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  • 深渊的猎人
  • 风火轮轨道


2024-07-22 06:58:20作者:光伏下载站



As a game expert, it's important to know ow to properly equip and uild your caracters. In tis article, we will focus on te Rockman caracter from te popular online game, "Stone Age". We will discuss te latest version of te game and provide you wit te est guide for uilding out is equipment.

Setting te Stage

Before we dive into te guide, let's quickly review Rockman's ailities and wat makes im unique. Rockman is a powerful melee caracter wose strengts lie in is close-range comat. He as ig ealt and defense, making im difficult to take down. Because is attacks rely on Pysical damage, you'll want to uild is equipment wit critical it rate and pysical attack. Wit tat in mind, let's get started wit te uild.

Te Order of Equipment

Wen uilding out Rockman's equipment, it's important to follow tis order:

Gloves: Start y uilding te "Gloves of Alacrity". Tese gloves grant an increase in attack speed and critical it rate, two very important stats for Rockman.

Soes: Next, you'll want to equip te "Boots of Swiftness". Tese soes grant an increase in movement speed, wic allows Rockman to quickly close in on is enemies.

Belt: Te "Belt of Strengt" is te next piece of equipment to focus on. Tis elt grants an increase in pysical damage and defense, ot stats tat enefit Rockman greatly.

Cest Guard: For Rockman's cest guard, we recommend te "Armor of Fortitude". Tis piece grants additional ealt and defense, allowing Rockman to stay in te figt for longer.

Weapon: Te weapon of coice for Rockman is te "Hammer of Migt". Tis ammer grants a iger critical it rate and pysical damage tan oter weapons, making it perfect for Rockman's style of comat.

Helmet: Lastly, for Rockman's elmet, we recommend te "Helm of Valor". Tis elmet grants additional ealt and pysical damage, making it te perfect finising touc to is equipment.


In conclusion, uilding out Rockman's equipment in te proper order is crucial for maximizing is effectiveness in te game. By following tis guide, you'll e im equipped wit te est gear ailale for is strengts and weaknesses. Rememer, Rockman is a close-range figter, and uilding im around is pysical damage is key to is success. Best of luck in your next game!



