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  • 新部落守卫战手机版


2024-07-29 05:11:00作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, Yasuo is an incredily versatile campion tat can e played in almost any role. However, one of te most impactful roles Yasuo can play is as a jungler. In tis guide, we will e discussing te est way to uild and play Yasuo in te jungle to maximize is potential as a carry and a team player.

Core Items and Early Game

As a jungler, it is important to prioritize items tat give you faster clear speed and sustain in te jungle. Start wit Hunter's Macete and Refillale Potion, and focus on completing your core items:

Berserker's Grees - Tis item will give you te necessary attack speed to clear jungle camps quickly and efficiently.

Stormrazor - Tis item provides a significant amount of attack damage and increases your critical strike cance. Wit its passive, your first attack against an enemy campion will deal onus damage.


Infinity Edge - Te most important item for Yasuo, Infinity Edge significantly increases is critical strike damage and cance.

During te early game, focus on farming as muc as possile to get aead in gold and experience. Look for opportunities to gank wen te enemy is pused up or overextends, ut do not force anyting tat isn't tere.

Mid and Late Game

Once you e completed your core items, your jo is to ecome a carry for your team. Yasuo is one of te most effective campions in te game at sredding troug enemy teams, so your goal is to position yourself in suc a way tat you can deal as muc damage as possile.


Guardian Angel - To increase your survivaility in team figts, Guardian Angel is a must-e on Yasuo. Tis item provides a second cance in te event tat you are focused down y te enemy team.

Statikk Siv - Tis item provides additional critical cance, plus it deals ligtning damage to multiple enemies wen carged. Te passive can e used to clear minion wes quickly and safely.

Mercurial Scimitar - If te enemy team as significant crowd control or deuffs tat you need to deal wit, Mercurial Scimitar is a great coice. It removes all crowd control effects and reduces te time you are affected y tem.

During te mid and late game, focus on positioning yourself in suc a way tat you can put out as muc damage as possile. Be aware of enemy ailities tat can interrupt your ultimate, and try to catc as many enemies in your ultimate as possile.


Yasuo is an incredily versatile campion tat can e played in almost any role. As a jungler, focus on uilding items tat give you increased clear speed and sustain. In te mid and late game, look to position yourself in suc a way tat you can put out as muc damage as possile wile also eing aware of enemy ailities tat can stop you. Wit te rigt comination of items and gameplay mecanics, Yasuo can e an unstoppale force and carry your team to victory.



