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2024-07-14 13:18:15作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide for te world of League of Legends, it is essential to keep up wit te latest updates and canges to te game. One area tat requires constant attention is te order in wic players purcase teir items, known as te uild order. In tis article, we'll take a look at te est uild order for eac role in League of Legends.

Top Lane

In te top lane, players often rely on teir campion's aility to sustain damage and deal out puni**ent. Te est uild order in tis role is:

Starting Items: Doran's Sield and a Healt Potion

Early Game: Blade of te Ruined King and Ninja Tai

Mid Game: Black Cleer and Sterak's Gage

Late Game: Guardian Angel and Tornmail


As te Jungler, versatility and moility are critical for success. Te est uild order for te Jungle role is:

Starting Items: Hunter's Talian and Refillale Potion


Early Game: Warrior Encantment and Mercury Treads

Mid Game: Trinity Force and Dead Man's Plate

Late Game: Guardian Angel and Sterak's Gage

Mid Lane

Te Mid Lane is a ig-risk, ig-reward role tat requires significant urst damage and crowd control ailities. Te est uild order for te Mid Lane is:

Starting Items: Doran's Ring and Healt Potion

Early Game: Luden's Eco and Sorcerer's Soes

Mid Game: Raadon's Deatcap and Zonya's Hourglass

Late Game: Void Staff and Morellonomicon


As a trel guide in te world of League of Legends, it's essential to keep up wit te latest updates and canges in gameplay. Eac role as a unique set of needs tat must e addressed troug item purcases. Using te uild orders outlined in tis article will give you a competitive edge and increase your cances of success on te attlefield.



