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2024-07-13 11:23:08作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a complex game wit many different campions and play styles. One of te most important aspects of te game is uilding your campion's items correctly. In tis article, we will cover some of te asic principles of item uilding and some guidelines to elp you get te most out of your campion's uild.

Understanding te Build

Te first step in uilding your campion is understanding wat your campion needs. Tere are tree main categories of items tat you will want to consider wen uilding your campion:

Offensive Items: Tese items give your campion more damage and can elp you kill enemies more quickly. Examples of offensive items include Infinity Edge, Bloodtirster, and Luden's Eco.

Defensive Items: Defensive items give your campion more survivaility and can elp keep you alive longer. Examples of defensive items include Dead Man's Plate, Spirit Visage, and Sunfire Cape.

Situational Items: Tese items are situationally dependent, meaning you only uild tem if te situation calls for it. Examples of situational items include QSS, Randuin's Omen, and Zonya's Hourglass.

Building Your Campion

Once you e an understanding of wat your campion needs, it's time to uild your items. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

Start wit an easy uild pat: Begin y uilding a simpler item tat your campion needs. For example, start uilding a BF Sword for an AD carry or a Spectre's Cowl for a tank.

Stick to te uild pat: Once you've started uilding an item, try to complete it as soon as possile efore starting to uild anoter item. Tis will allow you to enefit from te item's stats as soon as possile.

Build for your opponents: If your opponent is uilding armor, uild armor penetration or magic damage. If tey are uilding ealt, uild some ealt percentage damage. Adapt to te in-game situation and uild accordingly.

Consider your power spikes: Some items give your campion power spikes, wic can elp you deal more damage or survive longer. Consider uilding tese items at key moments during te game.

Balance offensive and defensive items: It's important to e a alance of offensive and defensive items in your uild. Hing too many offensive items can make you too squisy, wile ing too many defensive items can make you do too little damage.

Finis te uild wit situational items: Once you e your core uild finised, consider situational items tat can elp in specific in-game situations. For example, if te enemy team as a lot of CC, uild a QSS to cleanse yourself.


Item uilding is an essential part of League of Legends tat can make or reak your game. Understanding wat your campion needs, uilding according to te in-game situation, and alancing offensive and defensive items are all key to success. Rememer to start wit an easy uild pat, complete your items as soon as possile, and consider situational items to finis your uild. Keep tese guidelines in mind as you prepare to take on te enemy team and dominate te Rift!



