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2024-07-18 11:39:19作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide, I know tat many people are passionate aout playing League of Legends, and tere are always arguments aout different campions' est uilds. One of te most deated topics is wat te est uild for Zuge Liang in te Jungle is. In tis article, I will sare my knowledge and experience, and offer a few suggestions.

Te est Zuge Liang Jungle uild

Zuge Liang is a powerful mage tat can e very effective in te Jungle if played correctly. Coosing te rigt items and runes is crucial to is success. Here is a list of te est items to uild wen playing Zuge Liang Jungle:


Runic Ecoes: Tis is te est item for Zuge Liang Jungle ecause it provides im wit extra mana, cooldown reduction, and onus magic damage on is next asic attack. It also grants im onus movement speed out of comat, making it easier for im to gank and move around te map.

Boots of Moility: Tese oots increase Zuge Liang's movement speed, allowing im to roam around te map and gank more effectively. Tey also grant im onus movement speed out of comat, wic works well wit Runic Ecoes.

Hextec GLP-800: Tis item provides Zuge Liang wit extra mana, cooldown reduction, and onus damage. It also as a slow effect, wic can make it easier for im to land is spells and secure kills.

Liandry's Torment: Tis item provides Zuge Liang wit extra magic penetration and onus damage ased on te target's max ealt. It's a great item to uild against tanks since it allows im to deal significant damage to tem.


Void Staff: Tis item provides Zuge Liang wit extra magic penetration, making it easier for im to sred troug is enemies' magic resistance. It's a great item to uild if te enemy team as many tanks wit magic resist items.

Zonya's Hourglass: Tis item is great for survivaility. It provides Zuge Liang wit extra armor and aility power, ut te real strengt of tis item is its active aility - it can make im invulnerale for a few seconds, wic is useful wen e's in a difficult position or needs to oid enemy attacks.


Overall, te est uild for Zuge Liang in te Jungle is Runic Ecoes, Boots of Moility, Hextec GLP-800, Liandry's Torment, Void Staff, and Zonya's Hourglass. Make sure to coose te rigt runes as well, suc as Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeall Collection, and Renous Hunter. Wit tis uild and te rigt strategy, Zuge Liang can e an unstoppale force in te Jungle. Happy gaming!



