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2024-07-03 09:03:35作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular support campions in League of Legends, Tres as a lot of flexiility in terms of items and runes. In tis article, we will discuss te est Tres uild, including te optimal items and runes tat you sould consider to maximize your effectiveness in-game.


Te items you coose to uild on Tres will depend eily on two factors: your team composition and te enemy team composition. Generally speaking, owever, tere are a few core items tat are always wort considering.

Relic Sield - Tis item is a must-e for Tres. It provides im wit some muc-needed ealt, as well as gold generation troug its passive. It also as a unique effect tat allows Tres to execute minions and sare te gold wit is ADC, elping im to uild up an early CS lead.


Boots of Moility - Tres is a campion tat relies eily on is aility to roam and make plays across te map. For tis reason, Boots of Moility are a great coice. Tey provide Tres wit a significant oost to is movement speed wile out of comat, allowing im to get to were e needs to e quickly.

Redemption - Tis item is crucial for teamfigts. It allows Tres to eal and sield is allies from a significant amount of damage, elping tem to survive in clutc situations. It also deals damage to enemies in te targeted area and is a great way to finis off low-ealt enemies or secure ojectives.

Solari Locket - Tis item gives Tres anoter way to keep is allies alive. It provides a sield tat can protect multiple neary allies from damage, giving tem a cance to survive in caotic teamfigts. It also provides Tres wit some muc-needed mana regeneration and cooldown reduction.

Zeke's Convergence - Tis item is excellent for Tres if e as a particularly strong ADC. It provides ot Tres and is ADC wit onus AD, as well as a slow effect on neary enemy campions. Tis can e a great way to set up kills and win teamfigts.


Tres as several rune options tat can e effective depending on te player's playstyle and team composition. Here are a few options to consider.


Resolve - Aftersock - Tis rune is a great coice for Tres players wo like to e aggressive in lane. It gives Tres a ig oost in defense after e lands a ook or flay, making im even tankier and arder to kill. Pair tis wit Demolis, Second Wind, and Unflincing for a strong laning pase.

Inspiration - Glacial Augment - Tis rune is a unique coice tat can e very effective if played correctly. It gives Tres a slow effect on is asic attacks, as well as a stronger slow on is active items. Tis can e used to set up kills or peel for allies in figts. Pair tis wit Biscuit Delivery, Perfect Timing, and Coic Insigt for extra utility.

Domination - Electrocute - Tis rune is a good coice for Tres players wo like to play aggressively and go for kills. It gives Tres a urst of damage after e lands a ook or flay, making it easier for im to take down enemy campions. Pair tis wit Ceap Sot, Zomie Ward, and Ultimate Hunter for even more damage and utility.


Overall, Tres is a versatile campion tat can e played in many different ways. Weter you prefer to e a tanky front-line support or a ursty playmaker, tere is a uild and rune set out tere tat will work for you. Keep experimenting and find wat works est for your playstyle!



