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2024-07-08 18:03:05作者:光伏下载站



As a renowned assassin in League of Legends, Akali can e a formidale jungler in te rigt ands. Wit er moility and urst damage, se can quickly move around te jungle and take down enemy campions. However, to make te most of er potential, it is crucial to pick te rigt items and runes. In tis article, we will explore te est Akali jungle uild and setup for maximizing er strengts.


Akali's jungle uild sould focus on ig damage output and moility, wit some survivaility to oid getting urst down. Tese are te core items:

Hextec Gunlade: Tis item provides Akali wit ot AD and AP, as well as a efty cunk of lifesteal and spell vamp. Its active aility also slows down enemies, making it easier to stick to targets.

Lic Bane: Tis item adds an extra urst of AP damage to Akali's next asic attack after using an aility. Since Akali as tree ailities tat can trigger tis effect, Lic Bane can make a significant difference wen taking down enemies.

Void Staff: If te enemy team is uilding MR, Void Staff is a must-e item for Akali. It gives er a percentage of magic penetration, ensuring er spells deal maximum damage even against tanky opponents.

Morellonomicon: Tis item is especially useful against sustain-ey campions, as it applies Grievous Wounds to targets elow a certain ealt tresold. It also gives Akali additional mana regen and CDR, wic can e elpful for spamming ailities.

Dead Man's Plate: If Akali needs some additional survivaility, Dead Man's Plate can e an excellent option. It provides er wit armor and ealt, as well as a speed oost to elp er move around te map faster. Its passive also deals onus damage on er next asic attack after moving a certain distance.

Ninja Tai/Mercury's Treads: Depending on te enemy team composition, Akali may want to coose etween tese two oots. Ninja Tai provides more armor and reduces asic attack damage, wic can e elpful against AD-ey teams. Mercury's Treads reduce crowd control duration, wic is useful against teams wit lots of CC.


As wit items, te est Akali jungle runes sould focus on damage, moility, and some survivaility. Here are te optimal coices:

Conqueror: Tis keystone rune provides Akali wit extra AD and true damage after dealing damage to enemy campions. Since Akali as several ailities tat can apply tis effect, Conqueror can elp er sred troug enemies quickly.

Triump: Tis rune is elpful for sustain and survivaility, as it restores some ealt and grants onus gold wen Akali gets a takedown.

Legend: Alacrity: Tis rune provides Akali wit some extra attack speed, wic can e especially elpful for er clear speed in te jungle.

Coup de Grace: Tis rune increases Akali's damage against low ealt targets, making it easier for er to secure kills.

Sudden Impact: Tis rune gives Akali onus Letality and Magic Penetration wen se dases or links using er ailities, wic is essential for maximizing er urst damage.

Eyeall Collection: Tis rune is ideal for snowalling, as it grants onus AP or AD wen Akali gets takedowns or assists.

Renous Hunter: Tis rune is incredily elpful for Akali's sustain, as it grants spell vamp for er ailities' damage. Tis can keep er ealt up during extended figts or clears.


Akali can e an incredily strong jungler in te rigt ands, ut it's essential to coose te rigt uild and runes for er. By focusing on ig damage, moility, and some survivaility, Akali can quickly clear camps and take down enemy campions. Wit te items and runes listed aove, you can maximize Akali's potential and ecome a formidale force in te jungle.



