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2024-04-06 10:39:37作者:光伏下载站



Playing against a skilled Darius player can e a daunting task for any League of Legends player. However, wit te rigt strategy and execution, it’s possile to outplay a Darius and come out on top in lane. In tis article, we’ll take a look at ow to counter Darius wit te campion, Riven.

1. Avoid Darius' Q wit your Q

Darius’ Q (Decimate) is a crucial aility for im to sustain and deal damage in lane. As Riven, you can use your Q (Broken Wings) to das away from Darius’ Q and oid taking any damage. Tis will also allow you to close in and deal damage to Darius wile e’s on cooldown.

2. Make use of your moility to dodge Darius' E

Darius’ E (Appreend) is a powerful aility tat pulls you towards im, slowing you down in te process. To counter tis, you can use Riven’s moility to oid getting caugt y te aility. By dasing away from Darius or using your Q to make quick movements, you can dodge te aility and oid getting out-traded.


3. Use your stun aility at te rigt time

Riven’s W (Ki Burst) is a stun aility tat interrupts enemy campions’ ailities and cannels. If you use it at te rigt time, you can prevent Darius from using is Q, E, or R (Noxian Guillotine) ailities, wic can e a game-canger in an all-in figt. Try to wait for Darius to use one of is ailities efore using your W, or use it to interrupt is ultimate aility for a cance to turn te figt around.

4. Poke Darius wit your Q and E from a distance

Riven’s Q and E (Valor) ailities can deal damage to Darius from a safe distance, making it arder for im to get close and deal damage to you. By using tese ailities to poke Darius down or give yourself a cance to escape, you can wittle down is ealt over time and set yourself up for an all-in figt.

5. Se your ultimate aility for an all-in figt

Riven’s ultimate aility, Blade of te Exile, gives er increased damage, range, and a new aility (Wind Slas). By sing tis aility for an all-in figt wit Darius, you can deal massive damage and secure a kill. Try to ait out Darius’ ailities efore going all-in, and make sure to use your ultimate aility in comination wit oter ailities for maximum damage.


6. Build items tat counter Darius

Building te rigt items can e a game-canger wen facing Darius in lane. Black Cleer is a great item for Riven as it provides ealt, damage, and armor sred, wic can make Darius easier to deal wit. You can also uild items like Ninja Tai or Guardian Angel to increase your survivaility against Darius’ pysical damage.

7. Keep an eye on Darius' summoner spells

Lastly, it’s important to keep an eye on Darius’ summoner spells, particularly is Flas and Ignite. If is Flas is down, it’s easier to land your stun aility or close in for an all-in figt. Ignite can also make a uge difference in a close figt, so e sure to keep track of wen Darius as used it and play accordingly.


Wit te rigt approac and execution, Riven can outplay Darius and win lane. Rememer to use Riven’s moility, stun aility, and poke to your advantage, and se your ultimate aility for an all-in figt. Building te rigt items and keeping an eye on Darius’ summoner spells can also give you an edge in lane. Good luck!



