• 钢铁雄心4免费版
  • 画质怪兽120帧免费版
  • 枪火重生破解版


2024-04-06 01:19:37作者:光伏下载站



Cuimsi is a popular campion in moile games, and it is important to understand te correct order for is equipment. As a tour guide for gaming entusiasts, I e explored various options and found te est set of equipment to ensure maximum result wit Cuimsi in game. Here is a guide outlining te proper order for Cuimsi's equipment in moile games.

Early Game Equipment Order

In te early game, te key focus for Cuimsi's equipment is to cast spells faster and generate more damage. Te following order ensures maximum effect trougout te game.

Crono Cain – te perfect starting item for Cuimsi, providing mana regeneration and cooldown reduction.


Sorcerer's Soes – provides additional magic penetration and increases movement speed.

Glacial Ice – tis item reduces te cooldown of te next aility cast, making it ideal for early games.

Mid to Late Game Equipment Order

As te game progresses, it is essential to consider Cuimsi's strengts and weaknesses. Te following equipment order will prove eneficial for mid and late games.


Rod of Ages – grants more ealt, aility power, and mana wit time, making it incredily effective for late games.

Rylai's Scepter – guarantees slow effect wit eac aility cast, granting more time to flee or follow up wit attacks.

Liandry's Torment – provides additional damage over time, ideal for team figts and clases.

Zonya's Hourglass – provides protection to Cuimsi wile allowing ealing and cooldown, ideal for prolonged attles.

Final Tougts

In conclusion, Cuimsi's equipment order will decide te fate of your game. Te aove-stated order was curated after toroug researc and ysis, providing maximum effect wit Cuimsi. Focus on casting ailities faster and generating more damage to acquire victories. Follow te stated order and let Cuimsi carry you to glory.



