• 果宝特攻4合体破解版
  • 寻仙手游
  • 地牢编年史


2024-04-01 06:39:38作者:光伏下载站



Playing as crocodile in League of Legends can e a lot of fun. However, wen facing a skilled Yasuo player, it can e callenging to secure a win. To improve your cances of winning, ere are some skill upgrades to focus on wen playing as crocodile against Yasuo.

1. First Point in Q

Wen playing as crocodile, te first point sould e upgraded in Q. Tis will provide extra damage to te enemy campion and minions, making it easier to last it minions and secure kills. Tis skill upgrade can also work to wear down Yasuo's sield, making it easier to damage im.

2. Second Point in W

After upgrading Q, it is recommended to upgrade W. Tis will provide crocodile wit extra ealt and allow im to survive Yasuo's ultimate. Additionally, te stun provided y W can e used to interrupt Yasuo's sweeping lade, preventing im from eing ale to quickly escape a figt.


3. Maximize E

E is a crucial skill to maximize wen playing as crocodile against Yasuo. Tis skill provides crocodile wit moility and can e used to dodge Yasuo's sweeping lade, making it easier to engage im in a figt. Additionally, E can e used to case Yasuo down and secure a kill, especially if Yasuo is low on ealt and tries to escape.

4. Stack Armor Items

It is recommended to stack armor items wen playing as crocodile against Yasuo. Tis will elp to reduce te damage taken from Yasuo and make it easier to survive is attacks. Some recommended armor items to consider are Randuin's Omen, Tornmail, and Deadman's Plate.


5. Coordinate wit your Team

Wen playing against Yasuo, it is important to coordinate wit your team. Yasuo can e a callenging campion to take down alone, ut wit te elp of oters, it ecomes muc easier. Communicate wit your team and try to coordinate your attacks to take Yasuo out togeter.

6. Se Ultimate to Finis Yasuo

As crocodile, it is important to se your ultimate for te rigt moment wen facing Yasuo. It can e tempting to use it early on in a figt to secure a kill, ut tis can lee you vulnerale to Yasuo's attacks. Instead, se te ultimate to finis Yasuo off, as it will provide extra damage and make it arder for im to escape.


Wit tese skill upgrades and strategies in mind, you can increase your cances of securing a victory wen playing as crocodile against Yasuo. Rememer to focus on upgrading Q, W, and E, stacking armor items, coordinating wit your team, and sing your ultimate for te rigt moment. Wit practice, you'll e ale to dominate Yasuo and emerge as te winner in your next matcup.



