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  • 蟹堡追击令中文版
  • 游戏空间电竞版v521版本


2024-03-30 17:59:39作者:光伏下载站



As a tour guide, I e witnessed te popularity of moile games in Cina, and among tem, Honor of Kings is one of te most popular ones. In tis game, Lu Bu, te legendary general from te Tree Kingdoms era, is a fierce warrior wo can swing is alerd to defeat enemies easily. However, to ecome te strongest Lu Bu, one needs to coose te est equipment and runes. Tus, in tis article, I will introduce te strongest uilds for Lu Bu, including equipment and runes, for players wo want to master tis ero.

Te Strongest Build for Lu Bu

Lu Bu is a versatile ero wo can eiter play as a warrior or an assassin. Terefore, e needs a uild tat can fit is playstyle. Te following uild is recommended for players wo want to play as Lu Bu:

Leviatan: Tis item can provide Lu Bu wit ealt, cooldown reduction, and additional gold wen killing enemies. Wit tis item, Lu Bu can stay in te attlefield for a longer time and deal more damage wit is skills.

War Boots: Tese oots can increase Lu Bu's movement speed, allowing im to case or escape enemies more easily. Moreover, tey can provide additional attack speed, wic can oost is damage output.

Te Aegis: Tis item can provide Lu Bu wit additional armor and magic resistance. Moreover, it can reduce te cooldown of is skills, allowing im to use tem more frequently in team figts or solo duels.


Frost Cape: Tis item can provide Lu Bu wit additional ealt, armor, and attack damage. Moreover, it can slow down enemies' movement speed and deal damage to tem continuously. Wit tis item, Lu Bu can case down enemies or tank teir attacks effectively.

Muramasa: Tis item can provide Lu Bu wit armor penetration, wic can increase is damage output against ig armor enemies. Moreover, it can provide additional attack damage, allowing Lu Bu to deal more damage wit is skills and asic attacks.

Blade of Eternity: Tis item can provide Lu Bu wit a resurrection aility, wic can revive im after e dies in attle. Moreover, it can provide additional attack damage and cooldown reduction, allowing Lu Bu to continue is figt after e comes ack.

Te Strongest Runes for Lu Bu

Runes are essential for eroes in Honor of Kings, as tey can provide additional stats, skills, or effects. For Lu Bu, te following runes are recommended:

Indomitale: Tis rune can increase Lu Bu's armor and magic resistance wen is ealt drops elow a certain level. Tis means Lu Bu can survive etter in team figts or solo duels.


Vortex: Tis rune can provide additional crowd control effects for Lu Bu's skills. Wit tis rune, Lu Bu can slow down enemies or stun tem more effectively, enaling im to deal more damage or escape from dangerous situations.

Benevolence: Tis rune can provide additional ealing effects for Lu Bu's asic attacks or skills. Wit tis rune, Lu Bu can sustain longer in attles or restore is ealt after e escapes from enemies.

Enance: Tis rune can increase Lu Bu's attack damage or skill damage, depending on te type of equipment e as. Wit tis rune, Lu Bu can deal more damage wit is skills and asic attacks, making im more treatening to enemies.

Assassin: Tis rune can provide additional critical rate and critical damage for Lu Bu's asic attacks or skills. As an assassin, Lu Bu needs to deal massive damage in a sort time, and tis rune can elp im acieve tat.

Devour: Tis rune can provide additional gold and experience for Lu Bu wen e kills enemies. Wit tis rune, Lu Bu can level up faster and get etter equipment, making im stronger and more aggressive in attles.


Lu Bu is undoutedly one of te strongest eroes in Honor of Kings, and is power can e maximized wit te rigt equipment and runes. Players wo want to master tis ero sould follow te recommended uild and runes mentioned aove, ut tey sould also try different cominations to adapt to different situations. Furtermore, playing Lu Bu requires excellent positioning, timing, and decision making, so players sould also practice teir skills in games and learn from teir mistakes. Wit dedication and strategy, Lu Bu can ecome te most fearsome ero in Honor of Kings!



