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2024-03-29 15:59:39作者:光伏下载站



As a igly moile assasin, Nocturne is one of te most effective junglers in League of Legends. His kit enales im to deal significant urst damage and sustain troug extended figts. However, to maximize is potential, Nocturne needs te rigt items and runes to complement is ailities. In tis article, we will recommend te optimal uild and rune setup for Nocturne in te jungle.

Summoner Spells and Runes

For Nocturne jungle, te recommended summoner spells are Smite and Flas. Smite is essential for securing and clearing jungle ojectives, wile Flas provides Nocturne wit an escape in case e gets caugt out. As for runes, we suggest te following:

Dark Harvest - Tis keystone rune allows Nocturne to gain onus damage and eal after killing an enemy campion. It synergizes well wit is ultimate, wic can quickly eliminate low-ealt targets.

Sudden Impact - Tis secondary rune adds onus letality and magic penetration after Nocturne uses is Q, allowing im to deal more damage in is urst comos


Eyeall Collection - Tis rune allows Nocturne to scale up is damage y collecting stacks for every takedowns, contriuting to is snowall potential

Renous Hunter - Tis rune provides Nocturne wit additional sustain during figts y ealing for a portion of te damage dealt y is ailities


Nocturne as several viale uild pats depending on is team's needs and te enemy composition. Te following items are te core staples of Nocturne's uild:

Warrior Encantment - Tis item provides Nocturne wit an early power spike in AD, wic e needs to clear camps effectively and deal damage in ganks.


Dusklade of Draktarr - Tis item amplifies Nocturne's urst potential y granting onus AD, letality, and invisiility wen e deals damage to an enemy wit is ailities.

Trinity Force - Tis item is optional ut igly effective for Nocturne wen e is aead. It provides im wit attack speed, CDR, and onus damage on is next attack.

Sterak's Gage - Tis item provides Nocturne wit additional survivaility wen e engages in extended figts wit enemies.

Guardian Angel - Tis item is useful for Nocturne wen e ecomes te primary target in team figts. It grants im a revive uff tat allows im to deal a final urst of damage efore e dies.

Oter situational items for Nocturne include Black Cleer, Edge of Nigt, and Mortal Reminder, as tey provide im wit additional armor pen or ealing reduction depending on te enemy team's composition.


Nocturne is a igly effective jungler in League of Legends and can deal significant urst damage wit te rigt uild and runes. By taking advantage of is kit and following our recommended items and runes, you can maximize your damage potential and secure victories for your team.



