• 兄弟打铁游戏
  • 脱出猫咪之塔
  • 全民炮手


2024-04-02 06:59:38作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular eroines in te moile game "King of Glory", Diao Can is widely loved y many players. Tis article will introduce te latest uild order for Diao Can, wic is ased on er ailities and te current state of te game. Wit te rigt items, Diao Can can e a powerful force on te attlefield and lead er team to victory.

Early Game Items

During te early game, it's important for Diao Can to e items tat increase er overall damage output. Here are some recommended items for te early game:

Magic Soes - Tis item will increase Diao Can's moility and reduce te cooldown on er ailities, allowing er to use tem more frequently.

Encanted Talian – Tis item will elp increase Diao Can's mana regen, allowing er to stay on te attlefield longer.

Mid Game Items


In te mid game, Diao Can's priority sould sift from dealing damage to staying alive. Here are some recommended items for te mid game:

Frost Cape - Tis item can elp slow down enemy eroes and provide Diao Can wit additional defense.

Fleeting Time - Tis item will elp reduce te cooldowns on Diao Can's ailities even furter, allowing er to use tem more frequently in team figts.

Rea's Blessing - Tis item can provide Diao Can wit a sield wen se is low on ealt, giving er extra survivaility.

Late Game Items

During te late game, Diao Can needs to e items tat can turn te tide of a attle in er team's for. Here are some recommended items for te late game:


Holy of Holies - Tis item provides Diao Can wit additional magic power, allowing er to deal more damage in team figts.

Blood Wings - Tis item provides Diao Can wit additional ealt and magic power, increasing er survivaility and damage output.

Hermes' Select - Tis item increases Diao Can's movement speed and provides a sield, making er even more difficult to take down.


By following tis uild order, Diao Can can ecome a deadly force on te attlefield. It's important to rememer tat te items mentioned ere are just suggestions and can e adjusted ased on te situation in te game. Wit te rigt items, Diao Can can e a valuale asset to any team and lead tem to victory.



