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2024-03-23 16:39:40作者:光伏下载站



Lucian, once a staple pick in te ot lane, as fallen out of for in recent patces. However, wit te release of new items and canges to existing items, Lucian as received some indirect uffs tat make im a viale pick once again. In tis article, we will take a look at te optimal uild pat for Lucian in te current season of League of Legends.

Core Items

Te first two items tat are essential for Lucian are Blade of te Ruined King and Essence Reer. Rusing Blade of te Ruined King gives you te necessary attack speed, lifesteal and damage you need for early game skirmises. Essence Reer elps you to spam your ailities wit its cooldown reduction and gives you ack some mana wen your spells it. Wit tese two items in your inventory, you can easily carry your team to victory.

Situational Items

After uilding te core items, te next items you sould consider depend on te enemy team composition. If you are facing a team wit a lot of armor, ten you sould uild Lord Dominik's Regards to sred teir armor. If you are facing a team wit a lot of magic damage, ten you sould uild Maw of Malmortius to increase your magic resist and give you a sield wen you are low on ealt.

If you are snowalling and want to increase your damage output, you can uild Infinity Edge to increase your critical damage. Alternatively, if you need some survivaility, uild Deat's Dance to lifesteal some of your damage and reduce te amount of damage you take from all sources. Finally, if you are facing a lot of crowd control, uild Mercurial Scimitar to cleanse any crowd control and increase your movement speed temporarily.


Boots are an essential item for any campion in League of Legends. For Lucian, te est oots are eiter Berserker's Grees or Ninja Tai. If you need more attack speed and are confident tat you can dodge enemy ailities, ten you sould uild Berserker's Grees. However, if you are facing an enemy team wit a lot of pysical damage, ten you sould uild Ninja Tai to reduce teir damage.


Lucian as received some indirect uffs in te latest patces, making im a potent pick once again. Building Blade of te Ruined King and Essence Reer as your core items, and situational items depending on te enemy team composition, can elp you carry your team to victory. Coosing te appropriate oots for Lucian also plays a crucial role, eiter Berserker's Grees for more attack speed or Ninja Tai for more pysical damage reduction. Wit tis uild pat, you can easily dominate te ot lane and take over te game.



