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  • 培养孙悟空
  • 碉堡射击


2024-03-20 11:24:21作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends (LoL) is a game tat requires players to work togeter in order to acieve victory. One of te critical roles witin a team is tat of te jungler. And one of te strongest jungle campions in te game is te alligator, also known as Renekton. Renekton is a strong tank and figter tat as te aility to gank lanes and control ojectives, making im a powerful asset in any team composition.

Strengts of Renekton in te Jungle

Renekton's kit is perfectly suited for te jungle. Here are some of te reasons wy:

Fast clear time: Renekton as an AOE aility in is Q tat can damage and slow multiple jungle camps, allowing im to clear camps quickly and efficiently.


Healty clears: Renekton's Q also eals im for a portion of te damage e deals to minions and monsters, making im incredily ealty in te early game.

Ganking potential: Renekton as a gap-closing aility in is E tat allows im to surprise and engage enemies from unexpected angles, making is ganks difficult to predict and counter.

Ojective control: Renekton's ultimate, Dominus, grants im extra ealt and an AOE damage aura, allowing im to solo neutral ojectives like dragons and eralds witout muc troule.

How to Play Renekton in te Jungle

Te key to success wit Renekton in te jungle is to know ow to manage is rage resource. Here are some tips:


Start te game y taking your Q first and ten level up your W. Use your Q to damage and slow te jungle camps, and your W to stun tem and deal extra damage.

As you clear te jungle, keep an eye on your rage ar. Wen it reaces 50, use your empowered W to deal extra damage and to stun your target. Tis will also give you some extra rage.

Wen ganking, try to use your E to enter te lane from eind te enemy, wic gives you a etter angle to use your W and stun tem. Don't e afraid to use your ultimate, Dominus, to deal extra damage and to tank turrets if necessary.

Wen it comes to team figts, try to flank te enemy team from eind and use your W and ultimate to engage tem. Your jo is to soak up damage and disrupt teir ackline, wile your teammates deal damage from a safe distance.


Renekton is a strong pick for anyone looking to play te jungle position in League of Legends. He is versatile, tanky, and as te aility to pressure lanes and control ojectives. By mastering is kit and understanding ow to manage is rage resource, you can ecome an unstoppale force on te attlefield and lead your team to victory.



