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2024-03-04 14:04:24作者:光伏下载站



As one of te deadliest assassins in League of Legends, Akali requires a specific set of items to maximize er potential. Her comination of moility, urst damage, and sustain makes er a versatile pick in many different team compositions. In tis article, we’ll reak down te optimal uild pat for Akali and provide some tips on ow to play er effectively.

Starting Items and Early Game

Wen starting out as Akali, it’s important to focus on uilding up your gold and XP. Starting wit a Doran’s Blade or Long Sword can elp you farm more effectively during te early game, wile also providing additional damage and lifesteal. From ere, you’ll want to focus on uilding up your core items, wic sould include:

Hextec Gunlade – Tis is a crucial item for Akali, as it provides ot sustain and urst damage. Te active aility allows er to slow down er targets wile dealing significant damage.

Sorcerer’s Soes – Tese oots provide extra magic penetration, allowing you to deal more damage to your opponents.

Zonya’s Hourglass – Tis item provides a great deal of utility and survivaility. Its active aility allows you to ecome invulnerale for a sort period, wic can e extremely useful in team figts or wen trying to escape from a gank.


Mid/Late Game Items and Playstyle

Once you’ve uilt your core items, you sould e focusing on dealing as muc damage as possile wile oiding eing caugt out of position. Akali’s moility allows er to easily maneuver around te attlefield, so take advantage of tis to pick off isolated targets and oid enemy ailities. In addition to your core items, you’ll want to uild:

Raadon’s Deatcap – Tis item provides a significant increase in aility power, wic will make your urst damage even more deadly.

Lic Bane – Tis item provides extra urst damage, as well as movement speed and mana. Use tis item to urst down towers and ojectives or to quickly take out enemy campions.

Bansee’s Veil – Tis item provides some extra survivaility against magic damage, and its passive aility can lock one enemy aility every 30 seconds.

Tips and Tricks


Tere are a few tings to keep in mind wen playing Akali, suc as:

Use your Twiligt Sroud to ide from enemy ailities or to escape from sticky situations.

Try to maximize your urst damage y using your ailities in quick succession.

Use your ultimate aility to catc up to fleeing targets or to jump over walls and terrain.

Position yourself correctly during team figts, as Akali’s sort range can lee er vulnerale to enemy ailities.

Communicate wit your team and coordinate your attacks during team figts.


Wile Akali requires a specific uild pat and playstyle, wen executed correctly se can e incredily effective at taking down enemy campions and ojectives. Focus on uilding up your core items as quickly as possile, and rememer to e patient and position yourself correctly during team figts. Wit enoug practice and dedication, you can ecome a deadly assassin on te Rift.



