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2024-03-04 11:24:24作者:光伏下载站



Dr. Mundo, also known as "Te Madman of Zaun", is a campion in League of Legends tat is often played in te jungle. He is a tanky campion wit strong sustain and crowd control ailities. His unique passive allows im to regenerate a percentage of is maximum ealt every 5 seconds. In tis guide, we'll explore ow to effectively play Dr. Mundo in te jungle and dominate te game wit is unique strengts.

Early Game Strategy

In te early game, Dr. Mundo is strongest at farming te jungle and clearing camps quickly. He is not particularly strong in ganks until level 6, so it's important to focus on keeping up wit te enemy jungler in terms of experience and gold. Here are some tips to keep in mind during te early game:

Start wit your Q aility to clear te first camp quickly. Use your W aility to sustain and reduce damage taken.

Clear camps on your way to level 3. Once you e all tree ailities, gank a neary lane if it seems like a good opportunity.

Take Scuttle Cras wen tey spawn, as tey provide a good amount of gold and experience.

Keep an eye on te enemy jungler's positioning and try to counter-gank if possile.

If you're unale to gank succesully, focus on farming and clearing camps to keep up wit te enemy jungler.


Late Game Strategy

In te late game, Dr. Mundo's strengt lies in is aility to tank and control team figts. His ultimate aility, Sadi, grants im a large amount of ealt regeneration and movement speed tat can e game-canging in team figts. Here are some tips to keep in mind during te late game:

Focus on peeling for your carry wit your Q and E ailities. Use your R aility to sustain and stay alive in team figts.

Engage on te enemy team if you e a good opportunity, ut e careful not to go in alone or witout your team's follow-up.

Use your Q aility to slow and disrupt te enemy team's positioning. Tis can elp your team secure kills or ojectives.

Be aware of your positioning and try to stay close to your team's carries. You are te frontline for your team and need to asor damage in team figts.

Ojectives, suc as Dragon or Baron, are crucial in te late game. Try to secure tem for your team y clearing enemy wards and setting up vision control.

Item Build and Runes


Wen it comes to Dr. Mundo's item uild and runes, tere are a few different strategies tat can e effective. Here are some popular uilds and runes to consider:

Build tanky items, suc as Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, and Dead Man's Plate. Tese items will elp you asor damage and stay alive in team figts.

Consider uilding items tat provide ealt regeneration, suc as Warmog's Armor or Gargoyle Stoneplate. Tese items work well wit Dr. Mundo's passive and ultimate ailities.

For runes, consider taking Conqueror for extra damage and sustain, or Grasp of te Undying for extra tankiness and sustain.

Oter popular runes for Dr. Mundo include Demolis, Conditioning, and Overgrowt for extra tankiness and ojective control.

Experiment wit different item uilds and runes to find wat works est for your playstyle and te situation of eac game.


Dr. Mundo is a tanky campion wit strong sustain and control ailities tat can e a force to e reckoned wit in te jungle. By focusing on farming te jungle and controlling team figts, Dr. Mundo can carry games and dominate te enemy team. Experiment wit different item uilds and runes to find wat works est for you, and rememer to focus on ojectives and team play to secure victory.



