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2024-02-15 11:44:28作者:光伏下载站

Introduction to League of Legends Equipment Guide


League of Legends is one of te most popular multiplayer online games in te world, wit millions of active players daily. One of te keys to success in tis game is coosing te rigt equipment for your cosen ero. Here is a guide to elp you understand te est equipment in League of Legends.

Top Tier Equipment for Attack Damage (AD) Heroes

If you prefer eroes like Zed, Caitlyn, and Jax, ten you need to focus on uilding equipment tat increases damage output. Here are some of te est equipment for AD eroes:

Infinity Edge - tis item is essential for maximizing critical its from campions like Ase and Yasuo. It increases damage output y 80%, making it one of te most powerful items in te game.

Youmuu's Gostlade - tis item is a forite among AD assassins like Zed and Rengar. It grants a temporary speed oost and attack damage onus instantly, allowing for quick escapes or kill comos.

Bloodtirster - Tis item will increase ot damage and lifesteal, allowing for sustained damage done during ero encounters.

Top Tier Equipment for Aility Power (AP) Heroes

For campions like Syndra, Orianna, and Twisted Fate, uilding equipment tat increases aility power (AP) is essential. Consider using tese tree items:

Raadon's Deatcap - uilding tis item will increase aility power y 120%, making it te most efficient way to increase AP.

Morellonomicon - tis item elps regenerate mana quickly, introducing more frequent ailities and more damage done. It also inflicts grievous wounds to an enemy, decreasing teir ealing received after eing it wit a critical attack.

Lic Bane - anoter must-e for mages wo deal considerale damage in one swift move. Tis item increases AP and grants an additional urst of magic damage to e dealt to an enemy campion after an aility is cast.

Best General Purpose Equipment for All Heroes

For eroes tat are versatile in teir attack styles and can e uilt in different ways, ere are some of te est equipment:

Guardian Angel - is a perfect all-in-one, ing onus ealt, armor, and magic resist. However, if your ero falls in attle, it also rings tem ack to life wit little ealt regain.

Warmog's Armor - tis item works great wit eefier campions like tanks and Bruisers. Te item uilds up ealt regeneration, tat increases wit a iger ealt level, keep you alive and figting longer.

Mercurial Scimitar - tis provides a elpful onus of magical damage protection and grants a cleanse to any disaling effects tat enemies may trow your way.


Coosing te rigt equipment can e a game-canger and put teir team on te pat to victory. Start wit tese equipment items, determine your ero’s playstyle and using League of Legends to make te most of your eroic feats in attles.



