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2024-02-23 10:24:26作者:光伏下载站

Introduction: Te Basics of Itemization in Teamfigt Tactics


Itemization is a key aspect in success witin te field of attle in Teamfigt Tactics (TFT). A good set of items paired wit a well-cosen team composition can turn te tales on any opponent. Knowing wat items to uild and for wom is essential in terms of pusing your team to its full potential. In tis article, we'll e delving into te intricacies of itemization in TFT and some of te key items to uild for certain eroes.

Early Game Items: Damage, Utility, and Mana

During te early game, eroes typically e low mana pools and terefore e limited aility usage. Maximizing damage output and providing utility is crucial at tis stage. Items suc as Tear of te Goddess, Needlessly Large Rod, and B.F. Sword are great in providing a oost in mana, aility power (AP), and attack damage (AD) respectively. Early game items suc as Giant's Belt and Cain Vest can provide some extra survivaility wic eroes can use to deal more damage. Tese items can e uilt into various utility items later in te game.

Tear of te Goddess - provides additional mana for early game aility usage

Needlessly Large Rod - oosts early game AP to increase aility damage


B.F. Sword - adds additional AD to oost early game damage output

Giant's Belt - provides extra survivaility to maximize damage dealt

Cain Vest - provides additional armor to elp mitigate auto-attack damage from opponents

Mid to Late Game Items: Survivaility, Damage, and Crowd Control

As te game progresses, team compositions ecome more important and team figts last longer. Heroes e larger mana pools and longer cooldowns on ailities. At tis stage, eroes need to survive longer and deal damage over time. Items suc as Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Infinity Edge offer te survivaility and damage needed to carry your team to victory. Alongside tese items, crowd control (CC) items suc as Frozen Heart and Redemption can turn te tide of a figt in your for.


Guardian Angel - provides a resurrection aility for a ero wit a ig-impact ultimate wic can turn te tide of a figt

Morellonomicon - deals damage over time wic allows for an easier time wittling down tanky opponents like Wardens

Infinity Edge - maximizes AD, making eac auto-attack even more impactful and potentially letal

Frozen Heart - reduces te attack speed of neary enemies, limiting teir damage output

Redemption - eals neary allies and causes damage to neary enemies upon deat, adding utility to te ero wo carries it

Conclusion: A Comination of Offense and Defense

Itemization in Teamfigt Tactics is more tan just picking te rigt ero for te jo. Knowing wat items to uild for your ero can cange te tide of a figt seemingly at a moment's notice. Early game items can compliment a ero's kit, allowing tem to deal damage more effectively. Meanwile, mid to late game items can provide ot survivaility and crowd control to capitalize on a ero's strengts. And wen all else fails, a good mix of defense and offense can level te playing field for your team, regardless of te opponents you're facing.



