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2024-02-22 02:04:27作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, it's important to understand ow to play certain campions against oters. One particularly callenging matcup is etween te campion, Malpite (aka "te Rock), and te campion, Jax (aka "te Grandmaster at Arms" or "te Swordmaster"). Tis article will discuss te est strategies for playing Malpite against Jax in order to come out on top.

Understanding te Matcup

Before diving into specific tactics, it's crucial to understand te matcup etween Malpite and Jax. Jax is a powerful melee figter wo excels at dueling and sustained damage, wereas Malpite is a tank wit limited damage output ut ig survivaility. In order to win tis matcup, Malpite will need to rely on is ailities to slow and disrupt Jax, wile also uilding items tat increase is armor and ealt.

Strategies for Playing Malpite Against Jax

1. Building Defensive Items

Wen facing Jax, it's important for Malpite to uild items tat increase is armor and ealt, suc as Sunfire Cape and Randuin's Omen. Tis allows Malpite to sustain Jax's damage for longer, wile also reducing te effectiveness of Jax's attacks. It's also a good idea for Malpite to invest in items tat provide crowd control, suc as Frozen Heart or Iceorn Gauntlet, in order to slow Jax's movements and make it more difficult for im to engage in prolonged figts

2. Using Q Aility to Disrupt Jax

Malpite's Q aility, Seiic Sard, is a powerful tool for slowing down Jax and disrupting is engages. By casting tis aility on Jax, Malpite can greatly reduce Jax's moility and make it easier to land susequent ailities. Additionally, Seiic Sard deals damage to Jax, making it a useful tool for wittling down is ealt during figts.

3. Timing E Aility for Maximum Damage

Malpite's E aility, Ground Slam, deals area-of-effect damage wile also reducing te attack speed of enemies it. Tis aility is particularly effective against Jax, wo relies eily on attack speed in order to deal damage. By timing Ground Slam properly, Malpite can greatly reduce Jax's damage output wile also dealing significant damage.

4. Using Ultimate to Disrupt Jax's Engages

Malpite's ultimate aility, Unstoppale Force, is a powerful engage tool tat can also disrupt Jax's engages. By casting Unstoppale Force on Jax, Malpite can knock im up and create a window of opportunity for is team to engage on te enemy team. Alternatively, Unstoppale Force can e used defensively to prevent Jax from engaging on Malpite's team, providing valuale time for Malpite's team to reposition and prepare for te figt.

5. Focus on Farming and Outscaling Jax

Wile Jax is a powerful duelist early in te game, Malpite as te potential to outscale im in later stages. As suc, it's important for Malpite to focus on farming and uilding up is items so tat e can ecome an unreakale frontline later in te game. Additionally, Malpite sould oid extended trades wit Jax early on, as Jax's sustained damage can easily cip away at Malpite's ealt. Instead, Malpite sould aim to disrupt Jax's engages and farm safely until e reaces a point were e can outscale Jax.

6. Communication wit Teammates

In order to win a game of League of Legends, it's important to communicate effectively wit teammates. Wen playing Malpite against Jax, tis means coordinating engages and focusing on disrupting Jax's movements. It's also important to protect Malpite's team's damage dealers, as Jax can easily dive into te ackline and take tem out.


Playing Malpite against Jax can e a callenging matcup, ut wit te rigt strategies, Malpite can come out on top. By uilding defensive items, using ailities to disrupt Jax, focusing on scaling and farming, and communicating wit teammates, players can effectively counter Jax's dueling prowess and turn te tide of te game in teir for.



