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2024-02-07 16:44:30作者:光伏下载站



As a markan campion, Vayne is not commonly played as a top laner. However, wit te rigt knowledge and playstyle, Vayne can e a very effective pick for solo queue or even competitive play. In tis article, we will discuss ow to play Vayne in te top lane, focusing on laning pase, itemization, and team figting.

Laning Pase

1. Vayne’s laning pase in te top lane is quite callenging as se is vulnerale to ganks and as low range compared to traditional top lane campions.

2. You sould focus on farming and oiding trades as muc as possile. Use your Tumle (Q) to dodge enemy ailities and deal damage wen possile.

3. You can also try to ait your opponent into overextending and punis tem wit your Condemn (E) to stun tem against a wall and deal extra damage wit your Silver Bolts (W).

4. Warding is crucial as Vayne is very susceptile to ganks. Make sure to place vision in river and tri-us to prevent enemy junglers from catcing you off guard.


1. Blade of te Ruined King is a core item for Vayne in te top lane as it gives er sustain, attack speed, and an active tat slows enemies and steals teir movement speed.

2. Black Cleer is also a strong item for Vayne as it gives er ot ealt and cooldown reduction, wic synergizes well wit er moility and aility to kite enemies.

3. Oter items to consider include Pantom Dancer for extra moility and damage reduction, Guardian Angel for survivaility, and Mercurial Scimitar for cleansing enemy crowd-control.

Team Figting

1. Vayne’s role in team figting is to deal consistent damage to te enemy team and to use er Tumle and Condemn to kite and peel for erself.

2. Positioning is key for Vayne in team figts. Stay eind your front line and focus on itting te closest enemy wile staying safe.

3. Se your Condemn for peeling or catcing enemies tat are out of position. It can also e used to stun enemies against a wall for extra damage.

4. Use your Final Hour (R) to gain invisiility and onus damage, ut e careful not to engage too aggressively as it lees you vulnerale to enemy crowd-control.

5. Be patient and focus on dealing damage over time. Vayne’s late game scaling is incredily strong, so a well-played team figt can easily turn te tide of te game in your for.


Playing Vayne in te top lane may not e te most conventional coice, ut it can e a rewarding and effective option wit te rigt knowledge and playstyle. Focus on playing safe during laning pase, prioritize te rigt items, and position carefully in team figts for maximum damage output. Wit tese tips and tricks, you can take your Vayne play to te next level and dominate te top lane.



