• 我真没想暴富啊
  • 问剑风云录
  • 天空编年史


2024-02-13 03:04:29作者:光伏下载站




首先,让我们来看一下这个版本的一些强势卡组。在这个版本中,盗贼和法师是最为热门的卡组, both have a strong presence in the game.

The盗贼 has a lot of power with his 匕首 and breath weapon. He also has a lot of versatility with his ability to switch between different weapons.

The法师 has a lot of power with his spell and ice weapons. He also has a lot of control with his ability to switch between different spells.

Both of these卡组 are very powerful and can take down a lot of opponents in a single match. However, if you want to know which one is the strongest, it's a difficult question to answer. It depends on your skill level and the players around you.

In conclusion, the盗贼 and the法师 are both very strong in this version of the game. However, which one is the strongest depends on your skill level and the players around you. If you want to know which one to use, you should try out both of them and see which one works best for you.

In the end, the strongest卡组 in this version of the game is the one that you are most comfortable with. It's important to have fun and enjoy the game, rather than focusing on what is the strongest.



