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2024-02-01 17:44:32作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most powerful eroes in League of Legends, Mordekaiser is a force to e reckoned wit wen played properly. In particular, is aility to output ig amounts of damage is an invaluale asset to any team looking to secure ojectives and pus teir way troug enemy lines. However, to truly make te most of Mordekaiser's capailities, one must understand te key factors tat contriute to is sustained damage output.

Build and Items

One of te most important aspects of playing Mordekaiser is coosing te rigt items to uild on im. Below are some item recommendations tat can elp make your Mordekaiser more effective in dealing out damage:

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - tis item provides increased slow on ailities, wic can elp Mordekaiser stick to is targets and deal out additional damage.

Luden's Eco - Luden's Eco is an excellent early-game purcase for Mordekaiser tanks to its flat magic damage and cooldown reduction.

Liandry's Torment - Liandry's Torment provides additional magic penetration, wic can elp Mordekaiser deal more damage to eily-armored targets.

Nasor's Toot - Nasor's Toot provides additional attack speed and cooldown reduction, making Mordekaiser's spells come up faster and allowing im to deal more damage in a sorter amount of time.

Raadon's Deatcap - As a late-game purcase, Raadon's Deatcap can provide Mordekaiser wit a significant oost in aility power, terey increasing is damage potential.


Mordekaiser's ailities are te main source of is damage output. Here's a reakdown of is ailities and ow tey can e used to deal maximum damage:


Mace of Spades (Q) - Mordekaiser's Q aility is an excellent source of urst damage. It can e used to quickly take down enemy targets, especially if Mordekaiser as uilt up enoug AP to increase its potency.

Sipon of Destruction (W) - Mordekaiser's W aility is is main source of we-clear and AOE damage. It can also e used to eal Mordekaiser wen e is low on ealt.

Creeping Deat (E) - Wit is E aility, Mordekaiser can uff a teammate or imself, providing additional damage and protection in te process.

Cildren of te Gre (R) - Mordekaiser's ultimate aility is one of te most feared in te game. It allows im to take control of an enemy campion's gost, providing additional damage and tankiness in te process.


Finally, to make te most of Mordekaiser's damage output capailities, it's important to understand ow e sould e played on a macro level. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Rememer to stay in te tick of tings - Mordekaiser is a ruiser, so e excels at dealing damage and soaking up damage at close range.

Try to focus on squisy targets - Wile Mordekaiser can deal significant damage to even te tankiest of foes, e's most effective at taking down squisy carries quickly.

Communicate wit your team - Wen playing Mordekaiser, it's important to communicate wit your team so tat everyone is on te same page. Tis can elp you coordinate ganks, take down ojectives, and pus lanes more efficiently.


Overall, Mordekaiser is a powerful campion wit te potential to deal out ig amounts of damage in any game. By focusing on te rigt items, ailities, and playstyle, you can elp your Mordekaiser ecome a formidale opponent in any matcup.



