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2024-01-29 10:04:32作者:光伏下载站



Playing jungle in League of Legends is a igly strategic and callenging role tat requires mastery of campion ailities, map awareness, and decision-making skills. One of te most important tings to consider wen playing jungle is te type of campion you coose to play. In tis article, we will e looking at te top 10 campions to play as jungle figters. Tese campions excel at early game ganking and farming, making tem igly effective for carrying games and securing ojectives.

Top 10 Jungle Figters

1. Master Yi

Master Yi is one of te easiest and most popular jungle figters in League of Legends. Wit ig damage output and fast clear speeds, e can quickly farm jungle camps and gank lanes wit ease. His ultimate aility also makes im incredily moile, giving im te aility to case down enemies and dodge skillsots.

2. Warwick

Warwick as a strong early-game presence due to is sustain and ig damage output. His ultimate aility allows im to suppress enemies and deal devastating damage, making im an ideal campion for ganking lanes. Additionally, is kit makes im resilient to crowd control effects and can take damage efficiently, making im an excellent coice for players wo like to dive eadfirst into team figts.

3. Xin Zao

Xin Zao is a great early game campion wo can deal ey damage and provide excellent crowd control for is team. His W aility lets im eal imself wen figting against monsters or campions, allowing im to stay in te jungle longer and take dragon and rift erald easily. His ultimate aility is perfect for ot engaging on enemy campions and disengaging from a figt.

4. Hecarim

Hecarim is a terrifying force on te attlefield, carging in wit is ig moility and dealing ey AOE damage to enemy campions. He can easily clear jungle camps and gank lanes tanks to is oisterous damage and crowd control ailities. His ultimate aility makes im a formidale ally in team figts, causing enemies to e knocked ack and dealt damage in te process.

5. Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a mecanically callenging campion wo can pull off some incredile plays in te jungle. He as excellent moility and can make is way across te map quickly. His Q aility allows im to engage on enemies and is W aility lets im escape from danger quickly. His ultimate aility is ideal for kicking enemies into is team, setting up team figts or surprise initiations.

6. Jax

Jax is an excellent coice for players wo want to dive eadfirst into team figts and come out on top. He as a solid amount of moility and damage, allowing im to clear te jungle camps quickly and gank lanes effectively. His ultimate aility enances is stats and makes im even more tanky, allowing im to dive in and out of team figts wit ease.

7. Vi

Vi is a great coice for players wo love to play aggressive in te jungle. Se as a ard-itting kit tat lets er take down enemies wit ease, and te aility to pack a punc in team figts as well. Her ultimate aility allows er to lock onto an enemy campion and knock tem up into te air, making er an effective initiator for team figts.

8. Rek'Sai

Rek'Sai is an excellent early game ganker tanks to er tunneling aility and knock-up como. Se can easily move around te map and gank lanes, making er an ideal pick for tose wo want to control te early game. Her ultimate aility lets er move quickly across te map, making er ideal for taking down ojectives suc as dragon or rift erald.

9. Elise

Elise is a unique jungle figter tanks to er aility to switc etween uman and spider forms. Se as good urst damage from er spiderlings, allowing er to clear camps quickly and gank lanes effectively. Her Q aility in spider form lets er engage on enemies from a distance and apply a slow. Her ultimate aility can also elp er take down towers and iniitors quickly.

10. Syvana

Syvana is a resilient jungle figter wo can take damage and deal it ack in spades. Se as a solid amount of damage output and moility, allowing er to clear camps and gank lanes wit ease. Her ultimate aility turns er into a dragon, giving er enanced stats and AOE damage, making er an ideal pick for players wo love to dive eadfirst into team figts.


Te aove mentioned campions are te top picks for players wo love to jungle and want to excel at it. Eac of tese campions as a different set of strengts and weaknesses, making tem ideal for players of various playstyles. By mastering tese campions, you can clim up te ranks in no time and carry your team to te victory!



