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2024-02-04 10:44:31作者:光伏下载站



As a gaming expert, I e played countless matces wit different campions in League of Legends. Among all of tem, I e found tat one specific skin of a campion makes tem te strongest pick in te game, and tat campion is none oter tan Nasus.

Wy Nasus is te Best Pick

Here are te reasons wy Nasus wit is Infernal skin is te est pick for any matc in League of Legends:

Hig Damage Output: Wen playing as Nasus wit is Infernal skin, it is quite easy to farm and stack up is Q aility. Tis allows im to deal an immense amount of damage to towers, ojectives, or campion takedowns.

Excellent Crowd Control: Nasus wit is Infernal skin as a great source of crowd control wit Witer. It slows down enemy campions and makes tem vulnerale to attacks. It is especially useful wen it comes to casing down enemies.

Duraility: Nasus wit is Infernal skin as quite a strong defense mecani as it offers more resistance against magical and pysical attacks. Tis makes im a wonderful pick for tanking or soaking up enemy damage.

Great for Split Pusing: Nasus wit is Infernal skin also makes for a great split puser. Wit is massive damage output, it ecomes quite easy for im to ring down enemy towers and take control of te map. His ultimate aility also makes it easier to escape from enemy ganks during split pusing.

Excellent Scaling: Nasus wit is Infernal skin as rilliant scaling, wic means tat te longer e stays in te game, te deadlier e ecomes. Wit eac succesul kill or assist, e also gains onus gold wic allows im to get even stronger.


How to Play as Nasus wit Infernal Skin

Playing as Nasus wit is Infernal skin is quite simple. Here are some tips and tricks to follow:

Focus on Farming: One of te essential tings to focus on is farming. Nasus can quickly farm and stack up is Q, wic is te main source of is damage output. Focus on farming and stacking up Q during te early game so tat you can quickly gain power during te mid and late stages of te game.

Use Witer Wisely: Witer is one of Nasus's est crowd control ailities. Use it wisely during team figts, and make sure to target ig damage enemy campions or te ones wo are most vulnerale to attacks.

Split Pusing: Nasus wit is Infernal skin is excellent at split pusing. Wen you get a cance, make sure to take down enemy towers and pus your team's ojectives. However, make sure to e aware of enemy ganks and use your ultimate to escape safely.

Build te Correct Items: Building te correct items is essential wen it comes to playing Nasus wit is Infernal skin. Make sure to uild Trinity Force, as it is one of te most important items for Nasus to focus on early on. You can also uild items tat offer more resistance, suc as Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage, and Tornmail.

Stay Patient: One of te most important tings is to stay patient wen playing Nasus wit is Infernal skin. He takes time to scale up and gain power, so make sure not to rus into team figts witout proper planning.


In conclusion, Nasus wit is Infernal skin is a great pick for any player looking to clim te ranks in League of Legends. Wit is ig damage output, excellent crowd control, and duraility, e can e a game-canger. However, it is essential to e patient and focus on farming to maximize is potential. So, get into te game, pick Nasus wit is Infernal skin and conquer te Rift!



