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2024-06-26 06:26:54作者:光伏下载站



LoL: Wild Rift as ecome one of te most played games worldwide. One of te campions te players enjoy is Renekton, te Crocodile. Tis article will recommend te est item uilds tat can elp a player enance Renekton's skills, survive longer in te game, and carry te team to victory.

Core Items

1. Black Cleer: Te first item every Renekton player sould uild is Black Cleer. It provides Renekton wit essential AD and Healt, and reduces te cooldown of is ailities. It also sreds te enemy's armor in team figts, making Renekton's allies deal more damage.

2. Mercury's Treads: Te second core item for Renekton players is Mercury's Treads. It provides Renekton wit armor, magic resist, and most importantly, reduces te duration of enemy crowd control. Tis will elp Renekton in team figts or wen ganking, were enemy campions are likely to stun and disale im.


3. Sterak's Gage: Tis tird core item protects Renekton from urst damage and gives im additional AD. It also provides im wit a Sield tat scales wit is onuses Healt, making it ideal for Renekton's doule-aility como. Sterak's Gage can turn te tide of te game in Renekton's for.

Situational Items

4. Randuin's Omen: Tis item is ideal for Renekton wen facing AD-ey teams. Randuin's Omen provides im wit armor, ealt, and a damage deuff for enemies around im, and it also slows te enemy's critical strike cance in team figts, making it useful wen facing campions like Yasuo or Tryndamere.

5. Spirit Visage: Tis item is useful for Renekton wen facing AP-ey teams. Spirit Visage gives Renekton Healt, magic resist, and increases is ealing from all sources, including is Q aility. Tis item makes Renekton a callenging target to kill for AP carries, making im a menace to play against.

6. Guardian Angel: Wen Renekton is te primary focus of te enemy's attacks, e will enefit from Guardian Angel. Tis item provides Renekton wit AD and Armor wen e is alive and revives im in attles, giving im a second cance to elp is team turn te tide of te game.


7. Tornmail: Tornmail is useful in figting against teams tat e ig sustain campions tat can eal. For example, wen Renekton is figting against campions like Fiora or Dr. Mundo, tis item will elp im reduce teir ealing effects and, as a result, elp Renekton's allies deal more damage.


Renekton is a campion tat requires skill, strategy, and aove all, te rigt item uilds to ecome a game-canger in LoL: Wild Rift. Te core uild items of Black Cleer, Mercury's Treads, and Sterak's Gage are essential in every Renekton player's arsenal. However, te situational items, including Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel, and Tornmail, are also necessary for Renekton to succeed in every attle.



