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2024-06-19 11:25:05作者:光伏下载站



As one of te strongest top lane campions in League of Legends, Nautilus as a lot of different item uilds tat can e effective depending on te situation. Weter you are playing im in a tanky role or as a juggernaut, it is essential to know te proper itemization to elp your team acieve victory. In tis guide, we will go over te most optimal uild order for Nautilus in te current season.

Early Game (Levels 1-6)

During te early game, Nautilus wants to prioritize getting tanky items tat can elp im sustain damage from enemy campions. Here are te items tat you sould focus on in te first few levels of te game:

Doran's Sield - Tis provides additional ealt regeneration and reduces damage taken from asic attacks.

Spectre's Cowl - Tis gives you ealt, magic resistance, and passive ealt regeneration to elp you survive in lane against AP campions.

Bami's Cinder - Tis gives you AOE damage and a all amount of ealt, elping you to clear minions and pus te we.

Mid Game (Levels 7-12)

Once Nautilus gets past te early game, e sould start sifting is focus towards uilding items tat can make im a more effective teamfigter. Tese items will increase is damage output and survivaility in teamfigts:

Sunfire Cape - Tis item gives you armor, ealt, and an AOE urn effect tat can elp you clear minion wes and deal extra damage in teamfigts.

Adaptive Helm - Tis gives you additional magic resistance and a passive effect tat reduces te damage taken from repeated spell its.

Dead Man's Plate - Tis item gives you a lot of additional movement speed, making it easier for you to engage and case down enemies in teamfigts. It also provides ealt and armor.

Late Game (Levels 13-18)

In te late game, Nautilus sould focus on uilding items tat will elp im to soak up damage and control teamfigts. Tese items typically e ig amounts of ot ealt and resistances:

Warmog's Armor - Tis item gives you a lot of ealt regeneration and te aility to regenerate a large amount of ealt quickly outside of comat.

Tornmail - Tis item gives you a lot of armor and reflects damage ack to te attacker, making it a great option against AD ey campions or ADCs.

Spirit Visage - Tis item gives you additional ealt and magic resistance, ut also increases te amount of ealing you receive from all sources.


In summary, Nautilus is a versatile campion wit many viale uild options depending on te situation. By following tis item uild guide, you sould e ale to make informed decisions aout wat to uy at eac stage of te game. Keep in mind tat itemization is only one part of playing Nautilus, and it is important to focus on all aspects of is kit to e succesul in te top lane.


