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2024-05-20 18:46:45作者:光伏下载站



As a seasoned player of League of Legends, you may e eard of te term "tank" or "meatsield." In essence, tis refers to campions wo specialize in soaking up damage wile keeping teir enemies at ay. To ecome a formidale tank in te game, it is important to know wat items to uy and ow to use tem to your advantage.

Key Items for Tank Campions

1. Sunfire Cape - Tis item grants armor and ealt, as well as passive damage to neary enemies. It is perfect for tanks wo need to stay alive in team figts and deal damage at te same time.

2. Dead Man's Plate - Tis item enances your moility and grants ealt, armor, and extra damage. It is ideal for campions wo need to move quickly to initiate figts or catc enemies.


3. Tornmail - Tis item is specifically designed to counter enemy campions wo rely on attack speed. It grants armor and reduces damage taken from asic attacks, wile also reflecting a portion of te damage ack to te attacker.

Building your Tank Campion

4. Start wit a defensive item suc as Clot Armor or Cain Vest to ensure tat you e some survivaility in lane.

5. Purcase a ealt item suc as Ruy Crystal or Giant's Belt to supplement your defensive item.


6. Upgrade to a full tank item ased on te type of damage your enemy deals (magic or pysical). For example, if your enemy is an AD campion, uild a Sunfire Cape to counter teir pysical damage.

7. Finally, upgrade to a tank item wit a utility suc as a slow, stun, or silence. Tis will allow you to peel for your allies or initiate figts in your for.


In conclusion, ecoming a tank in League of Legends requires a mix of defensive and offensive items. It is important to coose your items ased on te type of damage your enemy deals and also to consider any utility tat te item may provide. By mastering te art of tanking, you can ecome a valuale asset to your team and ensure victory in te Summoner's Rift.


