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2024-05-17 22:59:29作者:光伏下载站

wlk各职业dps排名:猎人 reigns supreme


As thewlk world of Warcraft continues to evolve, one of the most iconic roles in the game is no longer the warrior, but the hunter. With their powerful pets and high damage output,猎人 has become the top choice for players looking to take down the most powerful enemies. In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 hunterDPS( Damage per second) in thewlk, and see which one of them reigns supreme.

1. Hunter(猎人) - The king ofDPS

One of the most iconic roles inwlk is the hunter, and they have proven time and time again that they are the best at dealing damage. With their pets, such as wolves and eagles,猎人 can deal a massive amount of damage in a short amount of time. They are also able to use their abilities to debuff enemies, making them more difficult to defeat. In terms ofDPS, the hunter is hands down the top choice.

2.萨满祭司(萨满祭司) - The queen ofDPS


While the hunter is the king ofDPS, the萨满祭司 is also a formidable opponent. With their abilities, such as lightning bolt and auras, the萨满祭司 can deal a lot of damage to enemies. They are also able to use their abilities to help their allies, such as lightning auras that can deal damage to enemies. In terms ofDPS, the萨满祭司 is also a top choice.

3. 德鲁伊(德鲁伊) - The king of support

德鲁伊 is a versatile class that can play both support and combat roles. With their abilities, such as野性祝福 and野性野性祝福, the德鲁伊 can deal a lot of damage to enemies while also helping their allies. They are also able to use their abilities to debuff enemies, making them more difficult to defeat. In terms ofDPS and support, the德鲁伊 is also a top choice.

4. 法师(法师) - The queen ofDPS


法师 is a class that specializes in creating powerful illusions and illusions of their own. With their abilities, such as ice nova and lightning bolt, the法师 can deal a lot of damage to enemies. They are also able to use their abilities to help their allies, such as ice novas that can deal damage to enemies. In terms ofDPS, the法师 is also a top choice.

5. 盗贼(盗贼) - The king of stealth

盗贼 is a class that specializes in stealth and combat. With their abilities, such as潜行和毒液, the盗贼 can quickly move around the battlefield and deal damage. They are also able to use their abilities to take down enemies without them knowing what is happening. In terms ofDPS and stealth, the盗贼 is also a top choice.

In conclusion, the hunter is the top choice forDPS inwlk, but萨满祭司 and德鲁伊 are also strong options. The萨满祭司 and 德鲁伊 can play both support and combat roles, while the法师 and盗贼 are both strong at dealing damage. The hunter reigns supreme, but it is not without its competition.



