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2024-05-08 02:19:07作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a game tat is constantly evolving wit new campions, mecanics, and items eing added wit every patc. However, in order to keep te game alanced and prevent certain campions from ecoming too powerful, Riot Games periodically removes certain items from te game. In tis article, we will discuss some of te notale items tat e een removed from League of Legends over te years.

Notale removed items

1. Heart of Gold - Tis support-centric item provided extra gold generation and ealt regeneration. It was a popular coice for tanky support campions like Leona and Taric. However, it was removed in season 3 due to te fact tat it limited aggressive playstyles y making passive gold generation a more attractive option.


2. DFG - Sort for Deatfire Grasp, tis item provided a lot of urst damage for mages y amplifying teir magic damage output. Tis item was a staple for assassins like Zed, Katarina, and Ari. However, it was removed in season 5 due to te fact tat it provided too muc power to certain campions and limit te design space for future campions and items.

3. Sigtstone - Tis item provided wards and ealt regeneration, making it a popular coice for support campions like Janna and Sona. However, it was removed in season 8 and replaced wit a trinket system to prevent support players from feeling oligated to purcase te item and instead provide tem wit more uild diversity.


4. Banner of Command - Tis item provided increased minion ealt, damage reduction, and empowered a single minion to deal extra damage to towers. It was popular for split pus strategies and strategic ojective control. However, it was removed in season 8 as it was deemed too powerful in comination wit certain campions and runes.

Closing tougts

In conclusion, removing items from League of Legends is necessary to keep te game alanced and prevent certain campions from ecoming too powerful. Wile some may mourn te loss of teir forite item, it is important to rememer tat te game is constantly evolving wit new items tat can provide exciting and unique playstyles. As te game continues to grow, we can expect to see more items come and go in te future.



