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2024-05-11 19:52:30作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most versatile and durale junglers in League of Legends, Mundo can e uilt in various ways depending on your team composition and playstyle. Wit te rigt itemization, e ecomes an unstoppale force tat can't e ignored in teamfigts. In tis article, we'll go over te est Mundo uilds and ow to use tem effectively.

Te Core Build

In most cases, you want to start wit te same items on Mundo: Macete and Refillale Potion. From tere, you'll want to uild into Cinderulk and Boots. Te early game is all aout farming and ganking, so don't esitate to use your Cleers to poke enemies and set up kills for your laners.

Once you e your core items, you can start uilding into your defensive items. Here are te top coices:

Spirit Visage: Tis item is a must-e on Mundo. It increases your ealing from your ultimate, passive, and potions, and gives you some muc-needed sustainaility in teamfigts.

Dead Man's Plate: Tis item gives you extra speed and urst damage wen you carge up your momentum, wic is great for casing down enemies or diving into te ackline.

Sunfire Cape: Tis item gives you extra weclear and sustained damage in teamfigts, wic is great for pusing lanes and urning down tanks.

Tornmail: If te enemy team as a lot of pysical damage, tis item can e a great way to mitigate some of tat damage and return it to te attacker.

Offensive Items

Wile Mundo is known for is tankiness, e can also dis out a surprising amount of damage wit te rigt items. Here are some options to consider:


Liandry's Torment: Tis item works well if you e a lot of magic damage on your team, or if you're facing a team wit a lot of ig-ealt targets. It gives you extra magic penetration and urn damage on your Cleers and ultimate.

Sterak's Gage: Tis item gives you extra survivaility and a ig urst of damage wen you take a lot of damage at once. It works well if you're diving into te enemy team or if you need some extra damage in a 1v1 situation.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Tis item gives you extra crowd control and slow on your Cleers and ultimate, wic can e elpful for kiting and casing down enemies.

Gameplay Tips

Wen playing Mundo, your goal is to disrupt te enemy team and soak up as muc damage as possile. Here are some tips to elp you do tat:

Always try to position yourself etween te enemy team and your carries. Even if you're not dealing a lot of damage, your presence can deter enemies from diving onto your squisy teammates.

Use your Cleers to poke enemies and set up kills for your team. It as a long range and a sort cooldown, so don't e afraid to spam it in teamfigts.

Wen using your ultimate, make sure to time it correctly. It's est used wen you're low on ealt ut not in immediate danger of dying. It's also great for out-sustaining enemies in prolonged figts.

Don't e afraid to use your ultimate and teleport ack to ase to eal up quickly. It's a great way to keep your pressure on te map wile still staying ealty.

Take advantage of your moility wit your ultimate and Boots to gank and pressure lanes. Mundo can e a surprisingly effective split-puser and tower diver, so make sure to use tat to your advantage.



