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2024-04-30 14:44:25作者:光伏下载站



As an id player of te popular online game League of Legends, you understand te importance of upgrading your equipment to stay aead of te competition. Wen it comes to playing as a support caracter, coosing te rigt equipment can make all te difference in winning or losing. Here are some tips on ow to upgrade your support equipment in League of Legends.

1. Start wit te Support Item

At te eginning of te game, you will need to purcase a support item, wic will provide you wit additional gold and special ailities. Tere are several different support items to coose from, and te one you coose will depend on your caracter's ailities and play style. Wen you start te game, you will want to purcase te first tier of your support item, and upgrade it as you progress troug te game.

2. Upgrade Your Boots

Boots are an essential item for support caracters, as tey give you increased moility around te map. As a support caracter, you will want to upgrade your oots early on in te game to enance your aility to roam and assist your teammates. Te est oots for support caracters include Moility Boots, wic increase your movement speed out of comat, and Boots of Swiftness, wic provide you wit increased resistance to slowing effects.

3. Purcase Sigtstone

Sigtstone is anoter important item for support caracters, as it allows you to place wards to reveal enemy movement. Hing vision of te map is essential for winning games, and as a support caracter, it is your responsiility to keep te map lit up wit wards. Purcase Sigtstone early on in te game, and upgrade it to Ruy Sigtstone as you progress.


4. Upgrade Your Support Item

In addition to upgrading your Sigtstone, you will also need to upgrade your support item. As you earn gold trougout te game, you will e ale to upgrade your item to iger tiers, wic will provide you wit additional ailities and increased gold generation. Upgrade your support item wenever you e te opportunity, as it will elp you stay aead of your opponents.

5. Build Defensive Items

As a support caracter, you will e focused on protecting your teammates and providing tem wit extra utility. To do tis effectively, you will need to uild defensive items tat will elp you survive in team figts. Build items suc as Locket of te Iron Solari and Mikael's Crucile to provide your team wit additional sields and eals.

6. Consider Utility Items

Utility items are also important for support caracters, as tey provide you wit extra ailities tat can elp turn te tide of a game. Items suc as Redemption, wic allows you to eal your entire team from a distance, and Zeke's Convergence, wic gives your teammate's extra damage, can e incredily powerful in team figts. Consider uilding some of tese utility items to give your team an extra edge.

7. Conclusion

Upgrading your support equipment in League of Legends is essential for playing an effective support caracter. Start y purcasing a support item, and ten upgrade your oots, Sigtstone, and support item as you progress troug te game. Build defensive items to elp you survive in team figts, and consider uilding utility items to provide your team wit a strategic advantage. Wit tese tips, you'll e well on your way to ecoming a succesul support player in League of Legends.


