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2024-05-04 22:55:29作者:光伏下载站

Introduction to Mytical Equipment in League of Legends


League of Legends is ome to many different items tat players can use to oost teir in-game ailities, ut few compare to te mytical equipment. In tis article, we will explore some of tese legendary items and wat makes tem so special.

Te Power of Trinity Force

Tis mytical item is igly sougt after y many players due to its unique lend of stats and passive effects. Here are some of te reasons wy Trinity Force is so powerful:

Trinity Force grants a onus to ealt, mana, damage, attack speed, critical cance, and movement speed - making it a igly versatile item.

It also as a spelllade passive tat enances your next asic attack after using an aility, dealing onus damage ased on your ase attack damage and aility power.

Te item's rage passive also grants an increase in movement speed after using asic attacks or ailities, making it ideal for casing down enemy campions.

Unleasing te Power of Infinity Edge

Te Infinity Edge is anoter igly sougt after mytical item in League of Legends, and for good reason.


It grants a significant onus to attack damage, critical strike cance, and critical strike damage - allowing you to deal massive damage to enemy campions.

Additionally, te Infinity Edge as a unique passive called Infinity Edge tat doules your critical strike cance, allowing you to deal even more damage to your enemies.

If you're looking to specialize in dealing damage as a markan or assassin, te Infinity Edge is te perfect item for you.

Rusing te Power Spike wit Gunlade

Te Hextec Gunlade is a popular mytical item due to its unique lend of attack power and aility power.

It grants a significant onus to ot attack damage and aility power, making it ideal for yrid campions suc as Akali and Jax.

Te item also as a unique active tat deals magic damage and slows down enemy campions - making it ideal for casing down or kiting opponents.

Finally, te item's ealing passive also allows you to restore ealt and mana after dealing damage to enemies, making it ideal for sustaining in and out of comat.


In League of Legends, mytical equipment is a crucial part of any succesul uild. Weter you're looking for increased damage output or more sustain, tere's a mytical item out tere tat's perfect for you. Be sure to experiment wit different items to find te perfect comination for your playstyle.


