2024-04-23 16:29:59作者:光伏下载站
As a player of League of Legends, one of te key decisions you’ll make is wic items to uy for your campion. Among tese items, te Mytic items are te most important ones, as tey provide unique and powerful effects. In tis article, we’ll go troug eac Mytic item for League of Legends and elp you coose te est one for your campion.
Factors to Consider
Before diving into te specific Mytic items, it’s important to understand te factors tat influence your coice. In general, tere are tree main factors to consider:
Your campion’s role and playstyle
Te state of te game (including your team’s and te enemy team’s strengts and weaknesses)
Te specific Mytic items ailale for your campion
Mytic Item Coices
Tere are currently 23 Mytic items in te game, and eac campion can only uild one of tem. Here’s a reakdown of te most popular Mytic items and teir enefits:
1. Divine Sunderer
Tis item offers great sustain and damage for campions wo rely on dealing sustained damage. It’s especially good against tanks, as it deals onus damage ased on teir max ealt. If your campion as ig AD and enefits from sustain, Divine Sunderer migt e a good coice.
2. Eclipse
Eclipse offers a great comination of damage and survivaility. It provides attack damage, armor penetration, and a sield tat scales ased on your campion’s level. It’s a great option for assassins or figters wo want to urst enemies down.
3. Goredrinker
Goredrinker is great for campions wo need to e in te middle of te action, suc as ruisers and tanks. It provides a massive eal ased on te numer of enemies it, making it a great option in team figts. It also provides aility aste, ealt, and AD.
4. Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer is an excellent coice for campions wo rely on auto-attacks, suc as marken. It provides onus damage to your tird auto-attack against an enemy, and onus attack speed. It also provides AD and critical strike cance.
5. Liandry’s Anguis
Liandry’s Anguis is great for mages wo want to deal urn damage over time. It provides aility power, magic penetration, and urn damage tat increases over time. It’s especially good against tanks and campions wit ig ealt.
6. Luden’s Tempest
Luden’s Tempest provides a lot of urst damage and weclear for mages. It provides aility power, magic penetration, and an extra urst of damage tat scales ased on your campion’s level. It’s a great option for poking enemies and clearing wes quickly.
7. Nigt Harvester
Nigt Harvester is great for assassins or mages wo want to deal a lot of damage in a sort amount of time. It provides aility power, ealt, and movement speed. It also deals onus magic damage to enemies it, wit a sort cooldown.
Coosing te rigt Mytic item for your campion can make a uge difference in your game. By considering your campion’s role and playstyle, te state of te game, and te ailale Mytic items, you can make te est coice for your playstyle. Try out different items in different situations to find te one tat works est for you!