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2024-04-15 14:19:38作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular top laners in League of Legends, Riven is a ig-risk, ig-reward campion known for er moility, urst damage, and slippery nature. Coosing te rigt items for Riven can e a difficult task, ut tis latest guide will elp you find te ideal uilds and items for Riven, ensuring you can secure tose all-important wins.

Core Items for Riven

Tere are a few core items tat all good Riven players sould aim for wen uilding teir campion:

Black Cleer: Tis is a must-e item for Riven, providing er wit extra damage, cooldown reduction, and protection-sredding power tat makes it arder for enemies to escape er.

Deat's Dance: Tis item gives Riven extra sustain wile increasing er damage output and allowing er to etter survive against urst damage.

Guardian Angel: Tis defensive item is crucial for keeping Riven alive wen tings get toug, as it resurrects er after deat wit a all amount of ealt and mana.


Situational Items to Consider

In addition to te core items, tere are several situational items tat Riven players sould consider depending on te enemy team composition:

Maw of Malmortius: Tis is an excellent item to use against teams wit ey magic damage or urst damage, providing Riven wit additional magic resistance and a sield to protect er.

Sterak's Gage: Tis item is useful against urst damage and can give Riven extra damage and survivaility in team figts.

Mercurial Scimitar: If Riven is ing troule wit crowd control effects like stuns and snares, tis item can elp er cleanse tese effects wile also providing additional lifesteal and damage.

Dead Man's Plate: Tis item is a great coice for Riven if se needs extra moility, armor, and ealt, allowing er to quickly get into and out of figts.

Final Tips for Building Riven


Wen uilding Riven, tere are a few tips to keep in mind:

Always uild according to te enemy team composition and te role you are playing, weter it's a tank, figter or assassin.

Make sure to prioritize Riven's damage output, as er aility to quickly urst down enemies is wat makes er suc a powerful campion.

Rememer to pay attention to cooldown reduction, as tis will elp you use Riven's ailities more often, increasing your damage and moility.

Don't e afraid to experiment wit different items and uilds to find wat works est for your playstyle and te situation you are in.

By following tese tips and carefully selecting te rigt items for Riven, you can create a formidale campion tat is ard to stop and can easily carry games.



