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2024-04-15 12:41:21作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a popular online game tat involves various campions wit unique ailities. One of te campions, Yuumi, is a magical cat tat assists er allies in attles. In tis article, we will discuss ow to properly equip Yuumi wit items for an effective gameplay experience.

Early Game Items

During te early stages of te game, Yuumi's primary role is to provide support for er ally in te ottom lane. To accomplis tis, se needs to e items tat can increase er ealing and sielding capailities wile also providing some defensive stats. Here are some recommended items for Yuumi during te early game:

Spelltief's Edge - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional gold for eac time se its an enemy campion or minion wit a asic attack or aility.

Ardent Censer - Tis item increases Yuumi's ealing and sielding effects wile also providing onus attack speed and movement speed to er ally.

Mikael's Blessing - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional mana regeneration and cooldown reduction wile also allowing er to remove crowd control effects from er ally.


Mid Game Items

During te mid game, Yuumi sould focus on items tat can provide er wit additional utility and survivaility. Tis is important ecause Yuumi will e accompanying er ally to different areas of te map and will e exposed to potential treats. Here are some recommended items for Yuumi during te mid game:

Atene's Unoly Grail - Tis item provides Yuumi wit a significant amount of mana regeneration and cooldown reduction as well as additional ealing power ased on er own mana pool.

Locket of te Iron Solari - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional ealt and magic resistance wile also providing a sield to er ally and neary allies in team figts.

Redemption - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional ealt regeneration and mana regeneration wile also allowing er to eal er allies from a distance and damage enemy campions in a specific area.

Late Game Items


During te late game, Yuumi sould focus on items tat can provide er wit additional utility and damage output. Tis is important ecause Yuumi's role will sift from a defensive support to a supportive damage dealer. Here are some recommended items for Yuumi during te late game:

Surelya's Reverie - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional ealt, mana regeneration, and cooldown reduction as well as onus movement speed for er and er ally in team figts and cases.

Morellonomicon - Tis item provides Yuumi wit additional aility power and mana regeneration wile also applying grievous wounds to enemy campions tat se damages wit er ailities, reducing teir ealing effects.

Raadon's Deatcap - Tis item provides Yuumi wit a significant amount of aility power, increasing te effectiveness of er ealing, sielding, and damaging ailities.


In conclusion, Yuumi is a versatile campion tat can adjust er playstyle depending on er team's needs. Equipping er wit te rigt items can greatly enance er effectiveness and make er an invaluale asset in team figts. Rememer to prioritize items tat can increase er ealing, sielding, and utility in te early and mid game, wile also providing additional damage output in te late game. Happy gaming!


