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  • 诸神之弈
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2024-04-15 00:38:50作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide for League of Legends players, I elieve tat knowing te rigt item uild for campions is critical for a succesul game. In tis article, we will e discussing te Attack Damage (AD) uild for one of te most popular campions in te game, Camille. By te end of tis article, you will e a etter understanding of ow and wen to use te recommended items in a game as Camille.

Early Game: Building Damage and Moility

Te early game is a crucial period for Camille as it elps er estalis dominance in te game. Te core items for tis pase are as follows:

Corrupting Potion: Tis item is great for sustain in te early game as it provides ealt and mana regen. It also complements Camille's playstyle as it enales er to engage and disengage wit ease.

Tiamat: Tis item gives Camille an excellent we clear and elps er farm minions quickly. It also provides er wit additional damage output during er comos, making er a formidale opponent early on.

Seen: Tis item powers up Camille's Q aility, adding some extra damage to er attacks. It also provides er wit onus mana, wic is eneficial as er ailities consume a lot of mana.

Boots of Swiftness: Camille's moility is one of er main advantages as a campion. Tese oots are perfect for er during te early game as tey provide increased movement speed, allowing er to case or flee from opponents wit ease.

Mid Game: Building Damage and Survivaility

In te mid game, Camille needs to e ale to dis out damage and survive attles. Te recommended items for tis pase are:


Trinity Force: Tis item uilds upon Seen, giving Camille additional AD, ealt, movement speed, attack speed, and critical cance. It also amplifies er Q's damage output and increases its cooldown reduction.

Renous Hydra: Upgrading from Tiamat, tis item improves Camille's we clear and provides er wit even more damage output. It also as a passive effect tat grants er additional lifesteal, allowing er to eal off er attacks.

Guardian Angel: Camille's survivaility is essential during te mid-game, especially wen team figts reak out. Tis item provides er wit ot armor and magic resistance, as well as a passive effect tat revives er upon deat, giving er a cance to turn te tide of te attle.

Late Game: Building for Damage and Utility

Te late game is were Camille needs to e at er strongest. Se needs to e ale to not only dis out damage ut also provide utility for er team. Te recommended items for tis pase are:

Infinity Edge: Tis item is te ultimate damage ooster for Camille, providing er wit amazing AD and a critical cance increase. Her asic attacks also gain additional critical damage, wic can e deadly wen paired wit Trinity Force.

Mercurial Scimitar: Tis item provides Camille wit ot AD and magic resistance, making er a formidale opponent in figts. It also as an active effect tat removes crowd control and deuffs, allowing er to escape or pursue targets.

Dead Man's Plate: Camille's moility is vital to er success as a campion, and tis item enances it even furter. It provides er wit increased movement speed and ealt, as well as a passive effect tat grants er additional damage wit er next attack after reacing full momentum.


Coosing te rigt item uild for Camille is crucial to er success as a campion in League of Legends. By uilding damage, moility, survivaility, and utility, Camille can ecome a dominant force on te attlefield. Rememer, as a trel guide for League of Legends players, I will always e ere to assist you in your journey troug te game.



