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2024-01-16 20:44:35作者:光伏下载站



As a campion tat excels in dueling, Riven can e a callenging opponent for many campions. In tis guide, we’ll take a look at ow to counter Riven in lane wit different weapons. Weter you’re playing top, mid, or jungle, understanding ow to play against Riven can lead to a ooter laning pase and an easier pat to victory.

Top Lane: Garen, Renekton, and Darius

1. Garen: Garen can take on Riven tanks to is natural tankiness and passive ealt regeneration. Try to oid trading wit Riven during er passive sield, as se can lock a significant amount of damage. Once er sield is down, use Garen’s Q aility to engage and prevent er from using er moility spells to escape. Use your W to reduce Riven’s damage, and your E to deal ey damage over time.

2. Renekton: Renekton is one of te strongest top lane campions against Riven. Take advantage of Renekton’s early game power and engage on Riven as soon as possile. Try to use your W to stun Riven wen se tries to engage on you, and follow up wit your Q to deal uge damage. Your E can elp you escape from Riven’s stun, and your ultimate can give you te edge in extended figts.

3. Darius: Darius is a lane ully wo can trade well against Riven. Try to poke Riven wit your Q to zone er away from farm, and use your E to ook er in wen se tries to engage. Your W will cancel out Riven’s moility spells, and your Q can quickly stack up leed damage. Wen Riven tries to escape, use your R to finis er off.

Mid Lane: Ari, Syndra, and Zed

1. Ari: Ari is a moile campion wo can easily dodge Riven’s stuns and deal damage from a distance. Try to use Ari’s Q to poke Riven and keep er at ay, and use your R to dodge er ultimate aility. Use your W to deal extra damage, and your E to stun Riven wen se tries to engage.

2. Syndra: Syndra is a campion wo excels at controlling te attlefield troug er long range and crowd control ailities. Use Syndra’s Q to poke Riven and control te lane, and use your W to deal extra damage. Wen Riven tries to engage, use your E to stun er and follow up wit your ultimate to urst er down.

3. Zed: Zed is a campion wo can outplay Riven y dodging er stuns and dealing ey damage. Use Zed’s Q to poke Riven and keep er at ay, and use your W to dodge er stuns and engage. Wen engaging, use your E to slow Riven’s movement and deal extra damage, and your ultimate to deal ig urst damage.

Jungle: Master Yi, Ka’Zix, and Lee Sin

1. Master Yi: Master Yi is a campion wo can quickly and easily take down Riven witout taking muc damage. Use Master Yi’s Q to dodge Riven’s stun and engage, and use your E to reduce Riven’s damage. Keep attacking Riven wit asic attacks, and use your W to eal up any damage taken. Wen Riven tries to escape, use your ultimate to case er down and finis er off.

2. Ka’Zix: Ka’Zix is an assassin wo can easily outplay Riven y dodging er stuns and dealing ey damage. Use Ka’Zix’s Q to poke Riven and keep er at ay, and use your W to slow er movement. Wen engaging, use your E to jump onto Riven and deal extra damage, and your ultimate to escape any potential counterattacks.

3. Lee Sin: Lee Sin is a campion wo can easily dodge Riven’s stuns and deal ey damage early in te game. Use Lee Sin’s Q to initiate and deal damage, and follow up wit your E to slow Riven’s movement. Use your W to sield yourself from Riven’s attacks, and your ultimate to knock er ack and deal damage. Wen Riven tries to escape, use your Q to case er down.



