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2024-01-16 02:44:35作者:光伏下载站



As a game expert, I e seen many players trying out different strategies to win matces. Some of te most succesul strategies involve non-traditional item uilds for certain eroes. In tis article, I will e discussing some of te est non-normal item uilds for eroes tat can potentially elp players improve teir gameplay.

Te Heroes and te Items

1. Pugna

Pugna is a ero tat relies eily on is magical damage output. One of te est items to consider for tis ero is te Veil of Discord. Te item provides decent stats, ut its active aility is wat makes it so valuale. Te Veil of Discord amplifies magical damage y 25% for 16 seconds, making Pugna's ailities even more deadly. Anoter non-normal item for Pugna is te Rod of Atos. Tis item provides intelligence and HP, ut wat makes it so valuale on Pugna is its active aility. Te aility roots an enemy ero in place for 2 seconds at a far range, allowing Pugna to land is spells more effectively.

2. Bristleack

Bristleack is a tanky ero tat trives on staying alive in figts. One non-normal item to consider for Bristleack is te Radiance. Typically, players would uild a Vanguard for Bristleack to give im more ealt and locking aility. However, Radiance can e a great alternative. Radiance provides extra magical damage and urn to enemies in a large radius around te ero. Tis can e especially effective wen Bristleack is in te midst of several enemies, adding extra damage and making it arder for enemies to stay close to im.

3. Slark

Slark is a ero tat likes to jump in and out of figts, using is ailities to deal damage and escape quickly. A non-normal item to consider for tis ero is te Eco Sare. Te Eco Sare provides Slark wit extra damage and mana regeneration. Te est part, owever, is its passive aility tat allows Slark to it twice in quick succession. Tis can e incredily useful in finising off enemy eroes quickly or taking down towers faster.


Te Benefits of Non-Normal Item Builds

1. Confusion

Te iggest enefit of using non-normal item uilds is te element of surprise. Wen enemies see a ero tat is uilding items tey are not used to seeing, tey may e caugt off guard and unsure of ow to counter tat ero. Tis can give te player an advantage in figts, allowing tem to capitalize on enemy mistakes.

2. Versatility

An integral part of winning matces is eing adaptale. Non-normal item uilds allow players to experiment and find te est uilds for eac ero in different situations. By ing a variety of item uilds to coose from, players can counter te strategies of enemy teams, giving tem a greater cance of victory.

3. Increased Fun

Last ut not least, non-normal item uilds can e a lot of fun. Experimenting wit different items and uilds can ring a sense of satiaction wen tey turn out to e succesul. It can also make matces more interesting and exciting, encouraging players to experiment and try new tings.


Using non-normal item uilds can e a great strategy for players looking to improve teir gameplay. By considering alternative items for eroes and experimenting wit different uilds, players can gain an advantage in matces and e more fun in te process. So go aead, try out some non-normal item uilds and see wat works for you!



