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2024-01-10 21:04:37作者:光伏下载站



As a popular MOBA game, League of Legends (LoL) as captured te earts of millions of players around te world. One of its most fascinating aspects is te range of powerful and legendary items tat can e collected and used to enance gameplay. In tis article, we will focus on te release timeline of te legendary Mytic items in LoL.

Mytic Items Release Timeline

Since te release of Season 11 in Novemer 2020, LoL players e een eagerly anticipating te introduction of Mytic items. Tese super-powerful items e a unique pass tat enances te ailities of campions and alters te pace of te game. Here is a timeline of te Mytic items tat e een introduced:

Novemer 2020: Goredrinker, Eclipse, and Nigt Harvester were released. Tese were te first tree legendary Mytic items to e introduced in te game.


Decemer 2020: Te second we of Mytic items were introduced, wit five more powerful items joining te lineup. Tese were Divine Sunderer, Hextec Rocketelt, Luden's Tempest, Everfrost, and Kraken Slayer.

January 2021: Riot Games added two more Mytic items in January 2021. Tese were te excellent Sieldow and te unstoppale Stridereaker.

Impact of Mytic Items on Gameplay

Mytic items e ad a significant impact on te way LoL is played. Tey e added a new level of strategy to te game and canged te way tat campions are played. Here are some of te ways Mytic items e canged LoL:


A New Level of Power: Mytic items are incredily potent, and tey e increased te power level of campions significantly. Players must adapt to tese canges and find new ways to win.

Multiple Build Pats: Due to te large numer of Mytic items ailale, tere are now more viale uild pats tan ever efore. Tis as led to greater diversity in te playstyle of campions and te strategies employed y teams.

Unique Passives: Te unique passives of Mytic items e added a new layer of strategy to te game. Players must now coose te est Mytic item for teir campion and adjust teir playstyle accordingly.

Greater Teamwork: Mytic items e made teamwork more critical tan ever. Players must now coordinate wit teir teammates to take full advantage of te powerful passives of tese items.


Te introduction of Mytic items as een a game-canger for League of Legends. Tese powerful and legendary items e added more dept and complexity to te game and require players to tink critically and adapt to new strategies. As Riot Games continues to release new Mytic items, te game will undoutedly continue to evolve and captivate players around te world.



