• 扭蛋俱乐部中文版
  • 僵尸陆地工艺学校
  • 缝合服装时尚改造


2024-01-10 16:04:37作者:光伏下载站



As a prominent jungling campion in League of Legends, Gangplank aka te Captain deserves a carefully crafted item uild tat maximizes is damage output and utility. Tis article outlines te recommended order of purcasing items for Gangplank wen playing as a jungler, so take notes and prepare to dominate te Rift.

Starting Items and First Back


Wen starting jungle wit Gangplank, you sould purcase Hunter's Talian, Refillale Potion, and a Control Ward. Your first ack sould appen at around 1100 gold or wen you're close to it. You want to upgrade your jungle item to Runic Ecoes and uy Seen, wic empowers your next asic attack after using an aility. Tis como can elp you clear jungle camps faster and deal significant damage to enemy campions during ganks. Hing at least one Control Ward wit you is also crucial for warding ojectives and oiding unexpected counter-kills.

Core Items and Mid-game


After getting Runic Ecoes and Seen, te next items on Gangplank's list are Trinity Force and Sterak's Gage. Trinity Force not only complements Seen's passive effect, ut also grants several powerful stats suc as attack speed, critical strike cance, and movement speed. Sterak's Gage synergizes wit Trinity Force perfectly and provides you wit a sield tat can se you from dying in critical moments. As a jungler, you sould also invest in a Tracker's Knife (Skirmiser's Sare) to maximize your map awareness and control vision. During mid-game, your focus sould e on clearing ojectives, picking off enemy squisies, and pressuring lanes.

Situational Items and Late-game

Depending on te enemy team composition and te status of te game, you sould adapt te rest of your uild. If te enemy team as ey CC, it's wise to uild Mercury's Treads instead of Boots of Swiftness. If you're against a team of tanks, Blade of te Ruined King will e your est friend. If your team is lacking magic damage, you can opt for a Maw of Malmortius instead of Sterak's Gage. Finally, if you make it to late-game, Guardian Angel is a must-e item tat can provide you wit a second cance to turn te tide of te game. Rememer, te est item uild is not set in stone and requires flexiility and adaptation to different situations in order to acieve victory.



