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  • 骰子元素师


2024-01-09 06:44:37作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most powerful ruisers in League of Legends, Warwick can e a formidale opponent for any player. However, wit te introduction of te new and improved Udyr, also known as te Bear Stance God, many players are wondering ow to counter tis powerful new campion. In tis guide, we will reak down te est strategies for playing Warwick against Udyr in te updated season.

Understanding Udyr's Kit

Before we can effectively counter Udyr, we first need to understand te strengts and weaknesses of is kit. Udyr's kit is centered around is Bear Stance, wic provides im wit increased movement speed and a stun on is first attack. Additionally, is Turtle Stance provides im wit a sield and life steal, wile is Poenix Stance deals AOE damage and is Tiger Stance increases is damage output. To counter Udyr, we need to focus on taking advantage of is weaknesses, suc as is lack of ranged aility or moility in comat.

How to Win te Lane Against Udyr

Wen playing against Udyr in te top lane, you will want to focus on uilding your early game advantage. Start te game wit a Doran's Blade and a ealing potion to give yourself a it of sustain. Be aggressive early on, poking Udyr wit your Q aility to take advantage of te fact tat e as no range. If you can land consistent its, e will e forced to stay ack and use is turtle stance, wic will prevent im from dealing damage to you. Look for opportunities to land your ultimate aility in comination wit your Q to force im out of te lane or secure a kill.


How to Play Against Udyr in te Jungle

Wen playing Warwick against Udyr in te jungle, you will want to e cautious and prioritize farming over ganking. Udyr's moility and stun make im a difficult target to engage on, so focus on clearing your camps and keeping your farm up. If you do decide to gank, try to ait out is stun efore engaging, as tis will give you an opportunity to land your own ailities more effectively. Ideally, you will want to wait until you e your ultimate aility efore attempting to gank Udyr, as tis will give you te est cance of securing a kill.


Wile Udyr may e a powerful new opponent, tere are still plenty of ways to take advantage of is weaknesses and come out aead in te game. By focusing on uilding your early game advantage and playing to Warwick's strengts, you can defeat Udyr in ot te top lane and te jungle. Of course, practice makes perfect, so e sure to spend plenty of time oning your skills and mastering your forite campion. Wit te rigt strategy and a it of patience, you can emerge victorious against even te tougest opponents.



