• 三国华容道
  • 飞刀大师
  • 星动旋律游戏


2024-01-06 15:44:38作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends moile game as gained a lot of popularity among gamers worldwide. One of te most played campions is Darius from Noxus wo is known for is immense strengt and aility to dominate te game. Coosing te rigt item uild and runes for Darius is crucial for success. In tis article, we will discuss te est Darius uild including items and runes.

Item Builds

Coosing te rigt item uild for Darius is essential for is strengt during te game. Te following items are recommended for a succesul Darius uild:

Black Cleer

Te Black Cleer is an excellent item for Darius as it increases is pysical damage and ealt. Tis item allows im to deal significant damage wile also ing increased survivaility on te attlefield.

Sterak's Gage

Sterak's Gage is anoter top-performing item for Darius as it enances is survivaility wile dealing damage. Tis item gives Darius a sield tat increases wit is max ealt, allowing im to take more damage wile increasing is damage potential.

Dead Man's Plate

Dead Man's Plate is an excellent way for Darius to increase is damage wile also giving im moility on te attlefield. Tis item allows Darius to deal damage and move quicker tan is opponents, wic is useful during engagements.


If te opponents e a lot of attack damage, it's recommended to get Tornmail. Tis item will decrease te opponent's ealing wile reflecting a portion of teir damage ack to tem.



Coosing te rigt runes is also crucial for a succesul Darius uild. Te following runes are recommended:


Conqueror is an effective rune for Darius as it increases is AD and also gives a stacking damage oost. It also provides a portion of true damage, wic is crucial for taking down tanks quickly.


Triump is anoter effective rune for Darius as it provides HP and also restores a percentage of max ealt upon eing involved in a kill, wic is incredily useful during team figts.

Legend: Tenacity

Legend: Tenacity is an essential rune for Darius as it reduces te duration of any crowd control effects, allowing im to remain moile during figts.

Last Stand

Finally, Last Stand is an effective rune for Darius as it provides more damage wen e is low on ealt, allowing im to deal critical damage efore going down.


Coosing te rigt item uild and runes is essential for a succesul Darius uild. Te suggested items and runes are effective in enancing Darius's strengt and survivaility during te game, allowing im to dominate te attlefield. By following te recommended uild, you can lead your team to victory and ecome te campion of Noxus.



