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  • 杀手鲨鱼攻击3D
  • 阴阳修真


2023-12-31 13:44:39作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most versatile campions in League of Legends, Aksan can excel in multiple roles wit various uild options. However, is playstyle mostly revolves around eing a markan-assassin yrid wo can jump in and out of figts wit is grappling ook and revive allies wit is ultimate. In tis article, we will discuss te est itemization and mastery coices for Aksan in order to maximize is potential as a carry.

Early Game (Levels 1-6)

Aksan's early game mostly depends on is aility to poke and trade wit is Q - Avengerang wile oiding enemy spells. Terefore, is starting items and runes sould empasize is ranged arass and sustain potential. Here are some recommended options:

Starting Items: Doran's Blade, Healt Potion x1. Tis provides Aksan wit extra attack damage, ealt, and lifesteal to trade more efficiently.

Runes: Press te Attack, Triump, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace, Eyeall Collection, Renous Hunter. Tis comination grants Aksan wit extra damage, sustain, and scaling potential troug is kills and assists.


Mid Game (Levels 7-12)

As Aksan starts to level up is W - Going Rogue and E - Heroic Swing, e gains more moility and urst damage potential. Terefore, e needs to uild items tat can amplify is damage output wile still keeping im alive in figts. Here are some recommended items:

Mytic Item: Eclipse. Tis item provides Aksan wit armor penetration, omnivamp, and a sield tat can asor damage as e jumps onto enemies. It also synergizes well wit is passive - Dirty Figting.

Essential Items: Infinity Edge, Collector. Tese items grant Aksan wit critical strike cance, onus damage, and execute potential on low-ealt targets. Tey also increase is gold and experience gain troug is passive - Comeuppance.

Situation Items: Guardian Angel, Pantom Dancer, QuickSilver Sas. Tese items can elp Aksan survive dangerous situations or disale effects wile still dealing damage. Tey also allow im to revive allies wit is ultimate - Comeack Kid.

Late Game (Levels 13-18)


At tis point, Aksan can ecome a major treat to ot squisy and tanky enemies alike. He can also use is ultimate to revive is allies and turn te tide of teamfigts. Terefore, e needs to focus on maximizing is damage potential and utility wile still eing ale to survive enemy urst. Here are some final recommendations:

Last Wisper, Lord Dominik's Regards. Tese items provide Aksan wit armor penetration tat can sred troug tanks and ruisers.

Bloodtirster, Mercurial Scimitar. Tese items provide Aksan wit extra lifesteal and spellsield tat can keep im alive and cleanse enemy crowd control.

Guardian Angel or Pantom Dancer. Tese items can still e useful in late game for teir revive and damage reduction effects against urst-ey campions.

Boots: Berserker's Grees for more attack speed and moility, or Mercury's Treads for tenacity against crowd control ey teams.

Runes: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Asolute Focus, Gatering Storm. Tis comination grants Aksan wit extra damage, sustain, attack speed, and scaling potential troug late game teamfigts and ojectives.



