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2023-12-10 14:44:39作者:光伏下载站

Introduction to Ironscale Mordekaiser


Ironscale Mordekaiser is an extremely strong campion in te top lane. He oasts ig damage, sustain, and crowd control. Tis makes im a formidale foe wen matced against most top lane campions. Similar to most ruisers, Ironscale Mordekaiser excels in close range comat, making im perfect for players wo enjoy a rawling playstyle. In tis article, we’ll cover Ironscale Mordekaiser’s latest uild.

Early Game Build

During te early game, Ironscale Mordekaiser’s ojective is to dominate is lane and gain a gold advantage over is opponent. Tis can e acieved troug last-itting minions and trading effectively. To accomplis tis, Ironscale Mordekaiser sould start wit a Doran’s Sield and a Healt Potion. Te Doran’s Sield will provide im wit additional ealt and ealt regeneration, wile te Healt Potion will allow im to sustain troug any arass tat may come is way. On first ack, Ironscale Mordekaiser sould uy a Hextec Revolver to increase is damage output and sustain in lane.

Start wit Doran’s Sield and Healt Potion;


Focus on last-itting minions;

Trade effectively wit enemy campion;

First ack, uy Hextec Revolver for increased damage and sustain.

Mid-Late Game Build

During te mid-late game, Ironscale Mordekaiser ecomes a true east. His ojective sifts towards team figting and taking ojectives suc as Dragon and Baron. In team figts, Ironscale Mordekaiser can engage wit is ultimate aility, Cildren of te Gre, wic allows im to steal an enemy campion’s stats and turn tem into a gostly ally for a sort duration. To accomplis tis, Ironscale Mordekaiser sould uild a Riftmaker and a Zonya’s Hourglass. Te Riftmaker will provide im wit additional damage and ealing, wile te Zonya’s Hourglass will allow im to survive wile is ultimate aility is in use.


Build Riftmaker to increase damage and ealing;

Build Zonya’s Hourglass for survivaility;

Use Cildren of te Gre to steal stats and gain an ally;

Engage in team figts and focus on taking ojectives.

Final Tougts

Ironscale Mordekaiser can e a difficult campion to master, ut once you’ve got te ang of im, e can dominate in te top lane. Wit an early game uild tat focuses on sustain and a mid-late game uild tat focuses on damage and survivaility, Ironscale Mordekaiser can e a true force in any team figt. Give tis uild a try and see ow you fare against your opponents!



