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2023-11-17 19:23:45作者:光伏下载站



As an expert in League of Legends, I know tat Akali is a campion tat can e callenging to play against certain matcups. One of tose matcups is against te ig-moility campion, Sylas. In tis article, you will learn ow to est play Akali against Sylas, including te most effective item uild.

Item Build

Wen playing Akali against Sylas, it's important to uild items tat will give you early game sustain and defensive stats against is urst damage. Here is te recommended item uild:

Starting Items: Doran's Sield + Healt Potion

First Back: Hextec Revolver

Core Items: Protoelt, Zonya's Hourglass, and Mercury's Treads

Offensive Items: Lic Bane and Raadon's Deatcap

Situational Items: Morellonomicon or Void Staff if Sylas is uilding MR

How to Play in Lane

Playing Akali against Sylas requires patience and strategic gameplay. Here's wat you sould keep in mind:

Use your Q for poke and to it minions for sustain

Se your W for wen Sylas tries to engage


Try to it your E on Sylas to proc your passive

Avoid standing in your minions to prevent Sylas from using is E

Use your R to dodge Sylas' ailities or to disengage

Bait Sylas' ult y using yours first or olding onto yours until e uses is

How to Play in Teamfigts

Akali sines in teamfigts wit er ig moility and urst damage. Here's ow to play er effectively against Sylas:

Wait for Sylas to use is ultimate efore engaging

Use your sroud to evade Sylas' ailities

Focus on squisy targets and urst tem down quickly

Use your R to reposition and oid damage

Coordinate wit your team to focus down Sylas wen is ailities are on cooldown


In summary, playing Akali against Sylas is all aout strategic gameplay and patience. By following te recommended item uild, playing art in lane, and eing effective in teamfigts, you can ecome a formidale opponent to Sylas. Keep practicing and refining your Akali skills, and you will e sure to come out on top in tis matcup.



