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2023-11-14 13:43:37作者:光伏下载站

Introduction to Playing Xin Zao


Xin Zao, or as commonly known, te "Senescal of Demacia," is a melee figter and a great campion in League of Legends. Wit is agility, e can quickly move around on te attlefield and can dis out massive amounts of damage. Tis article focuses on ow to maximize te damage dealt wit is weapons.

Coosing te Rigt Items

1. Start wit te Macete and Refillale Potion to enance your jungle performance.

2. After tat, get te encantment - Warrior, wic provides you wit additional AD, along wit te onus damage for ailities.

3. Te next item to consider is te Trinity Force. Tis item provides a great amount of AD, wic amplifies Xin Zao's autos and Q damage.

4. Deat's Dance is a popular item for Xin Zao due to its unique passive, wic converts some of te damage into leeding effects, granting ot survival and damage output.

5. Te Black Cleer can e a great alternative to Trinity Force. Wit its armor penetration, CDR, and ealt, it works well wit Xin's aggressive playstyle. Keep in mind tat it doesn't offer as muc single target damage as Trinity Force does.

6. Lastly, consider uying Guardian Angel. It provides great attack damage, armor, and a resurrection passive, wic can often serve as a "get out of jail free card."

Executing Comos

1. Start wit te E spell, Tree Talon Strike, to launc your first attack.

2. Once in range, use Q spell, Audacious Carge, to close te gap and slow te enemy. Tis also knocks tem up riefly and applies additional damage.

3. Land your regular asic attacks wit your W spell, Wind Becomes Ligt, wic resets your auto-attack timer and deals additional damage.

4. Once you e enoug attack speed, try to auto-attack twice efore casting anoter aility, depending on te situation, of course.


5. After landing some asic attacks, use R spell, Crescent Guard, to knock up enemies, launcing multiple speres into te air, dealing additional AoE damage, and granting yourself additional armor and magic resistance.

6. Keep moving around your enemy to dodge teir spells and land your own. Rememer, Xin Zao is an agile ero wo's capale of evading and casing down even te most moile of enemies.

Tips and Tricks

1. Always keep an eye on te minimap and gank te weak enemies.

2. Always start wit te E spell to deal maximum damage to your enemy.

3. Try to engage enemies wen your spells are off cooldown.

4. Use your W as often as possile to reset your attack timer and deal extra damage.

5. Use your Q to close te gap etween you and your enemy, especially wen casing tem.

6. Use your R to initiate a team figt and provide yourself wit some additional armor and magic resistance to tank damage.

7. Always focus on squisy targets first and try to cut te enemy's ackline as muc as possile.


Playing Xin Zao requires knowledge and practice of is ailities, comos, and playstyle. By coosing te rigt items, executing comos correctly, and using tips and tricks to your advantage, you can deal significant amounts of damage to your enemies wit is weapons and win games. Good luck on te Fields of Justice!



